FAQs For the SYTYCW Writing Contest

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What do I need to Submit in order to enter the Contest?

Your full Manuscript must be posted to Wattpad by September 21 and tagged #SYTYCW15 and the imprint you are submitting to (ex: #nocturne, #blaze, #americanromance etc) in order to be eligible. Your submission must also include a 100-word pitch. Your pitch must be uploaded as "part one," your first chapter as "part two" and so on. Your completed manuscript must be uploaded to Wattpad by 4:59 p.m. EDT on September 21st in order to be eligible for the contest.. The 100-word pitch should convey story details such as concept, plot, characters, conflict and setting.

Do I have to have finished my story before I can post it on Wattpad?

Not at all! In fact, we encourage you to post your manuscript as you are writing it and receive feedback from the Wattpad community. Write, revise, polish until the contest deadline. Manuscripts don't need to be posted in full until September 21, 2015. Our judges don't start reading the entries until after the contest closes.

I live in France. Can I enter the writing contest?

No. The contest is open only to residents who have reached the age of majority of the US, Canada (excluding Quebec), UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

How old do I need to be to enter?

Generally, you need to be 18 years old (that is the Age of Majority in most countries) but please verify your own country's policy.

Can I write my story in Spanish?

Unfortunately not. Only stories written in English will be accepted.

Can I send my contest submission via snail mail or regular email?

Contest submissions are only accepted online via Wattpad. 

I have completed three manuscripts. Can I enter first chapters from all three in the contest?

We accept only one entry per person so we recommend you enter your best story, which should also target one of our eligible series. To learn more about the eligible series, read the Contest Categories. Don't forget that you have to post the entire mss by the contest deadline.

My story doesn't really fit any of the Harlequin series or Carina. Can I still enter the contest?

Your story must be directed toward one of our romance Imprints or Carina Press. Please review the guidelines and select the series or program that most closely resembles your story. The Harlequin editors suggest you read several current stories published by the series you are targeting in order to better understand the tone, level of sensuality and kinds of storylines each series publishes. It would be hard to write a script for Pretty Little Liars or Empire if you have never watched an episode of either show. The same is true for writing category romance.

I want to enter and have read the guidelines but I am stuck. How do I know what category series to write for?

A lot of writers face this problem and there is one excellent solution: read across the categories. If you like suspense try Intrigue and Romantic Suspense. If you like reading about home and families try American, Superromance, Heartwarming. Whatever series you best like reading is the series you want to write.

Can my story already be posted on Wattpad?

Yes! Just make sure to tag it, and that it meets the editorial guidelines.

Who is eligible to enter the contest?

The contest is open to both published and unpublished writers of original, novel-length fiction only.

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