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First of all, 'Injury to Insult' is not a thing.


Fucking for real, this was the best show I had ever watched when I was maybe... holy shit like five. Tell me other people remember this fucking show because I absolutely loved it. Scratch that, I still love it. I was having a Danny Phantom marathon just tonight and I rewatched the episodes I love best. It was... it is an amazing show. The characters were original and the plot was always surprising and entertaining for a kid from the age of five to even eighteen. I think I'll even start up an judgement article for shows I like.

Danny Phantom: Aired from 2004 (Apparently) to 2007.

Summary: Average 14 year-old Danny Fenton is the son of Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are ghost hunters. When they create a new machine called the Ghost Portal, they test it out only to have it fail. They decide to quit after this devastating blow, but Danny chose to look inside the machine. He accidentally turns it on and the machine activates with him inside, rearranging his human DNA with ghost DNA. Thus, Danny Phantom was created. With the help of his friends Tucker and Sam, Danny decides to assist the human world from the ghost equivalent, Ghost Zone and the ghosts that reside there that constantly attempt to attack Amity Park while also keeping his identity a complete secret from everyone, including his parents and his sister Jazmin (who later figures it out anyway.)

Rating: 8.5/10 based on Google results and national T.V rating guides.

My rating: 8.5/10

Why?: I love this show. It has a place deep in my soul that it will always stay in, and I've been watching it since I was five. I'm fifteen and still laugh at the humor this show has. And that's one of the reasons I gave it an 8.5; the humor. This show has a way with shitty and ironic puns that make you giggle sometimes at their sense of humor. Also the awesome way they have with actual jokes are pretty hilarious. Another reason I gave it an 8.5 is the characters. The main characters are of coarse Danny Fenton/Phantom, Sam, Tucker, Jaz, Maddie and Jack Fenton, and Vladimir (who we meet later in the series). There are also ghost characters who I do not have time to name, but you can easily Google them to see who they are and what they do. The character development? Not a whole lot there, other then the fact that Danny is 14 when the show starts and 16 when it ends (fuck for a minute I thought I was older then him.) The characters remain the same throughout the show, and I'll list off the characteristics of each character later on in the chapter. For right now, let's go on to the bad reasons I gave it a 8.5 instead of a 10.

Basically, this show extremely lacks any point in gravity, physics and pretty much any law in science. From unrealistic robots forming from five computers and a fucking semi truck to people running up walls and finally to people flat out ignoring any signs of damage in a place where a battle has been. Seriously guys, Danny has been thrown around his room and broken parts of the walls and the next time we see it it's MIRACULOUSLY fixed. What the fuck Nickelodeon? Anyway, the show also lacks character development when it comes to the main protagonist and the antagonist, Vlad. We also see a distinct lack in romance development when (SPOILER ALERT!) Danny and Sam end up actually going out by the end of the third season and, coincidentally, the end of the show. Sure, the way the show ended was good in it's own right, and I can't see any other serious episodes after what happened, but there are a lot of unanswered questions. Like, does Jack wonder how his son suddenly got ghost powers? Or what is the relationship between Sam and Danny like? Does Tucker ever feel like a third wheel to them? These are just a few questions I have. Another thing is that in some episodes, when they hit a plotline bump that doesn't seem to be going anywhere or just stops the show dead in it's tracks, they just cut to another scene and refuse to explain how they got past it. This happened a total number of four times throughout the series and though that may not seem like a lot, when you see Danny about to get his ghost half ripped out from him and then he suddenly appears, unscathed and a half ghost still, it makes you question the show a lot. Other then that, I would most definitely give it a 10/10.


Danny: Danny is pretty much every teenager ever. Though he doesn't seem to struggle with acne, he compensates that with fighting ghosts and somehow managing to (attempt) to pass his high school classes. Before he gained ghost DNA, he had average stamina and strength that you would find with any teenager. Afterwards, he can apparently lift/press anywhere between 10 and 30 tons, and can also withstand some serious hits and still being able to even stand afterwards. He can manipulate his body in many ways to avoid hits from ghosts and can apparently do normal human cardio for hours and maybe even days until he gets tired. He has plenty of abilities that come with ghost DNA, but along with that he is actually a good guy. Even with ghost powers he doesn't let them get to his head and allow him to destroy the world. Though like every teenager he does take advantage of his powers by humiliating the school bully with them, sneaking into the girls locker room (twice) and even almost killing his friends and family over trying to cheat on a test. Otherwise he is naturally kind, protective of his friends, family and the people of Amity Park, and will always show determination even if the chances of wining a fight are almost slim to none. He is constantly getting back on his feet after taking plenty of hits that would make anyone quit afterwards, and he never gives up until he can honestly no longer do anything at all to help the situation. And even then he still finds a way. He shows great leadership skills and is one of the best people to have in a tough situation.

Sam: Sam is like any goth teenager you will come across, who 'doesn't eat anything with a face', stands up for what she believes in by even changing the entire school menu to toast with grass on it, 'sticks it to the Machine' and also being a strong friend and ally. She shows that there is more to being goth then just being depressed and lonely all the time. She is open and honest with what she believes in and will tell you straight up how she feels about something, regardless of your feelings on the matter. And apparently if it wasn't for her, Danny wouldn't even be Danny Phantom because it was on her suggestion that he enter the Ghost Portal. She is courageous and also witty and strong minded.

Tucker: What is there really to say? Tucker is a computer geek. He knows everything about every computer to have ever been made and can tell you anything you need to know. He has even hacked into ghost software and also helped create a device to protect the earth from disaster. He is always one step ahead of the computer game, and with his trusty PDA there is nothing to stop him.

So that's all I have to say about Danny Phantom! If you want, you can go watch the show yourself! I promise, you'll enjoy it. And if you don't, you get your money back! Just kidding. I highly recommend this show for your viewing pleasure, and I hope you enjoyed the Show Corner. Comment below if you want my take on any shows you want! Ciao!

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