Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Bailee's P.O.V

I woke up to cold water being splashed on my face.Everyone sighed in relief when I woke up.Liz and Seb hugged me and checking to make sure I was alright.I pushed there hands away smiling.

"Don't worry I'm alright.Its an honor to meet you all."I looked at Jared and blushed.He walked over and helped me up."Wow you really do look like Sebastian besides the eye color.

I looked down and kept blushing.While the cast and my parents were talking me,Hannah,and Jared were in my bedroom getting to know each other.Turns out Jared likes Final Fantasy too!

"Hey Bailee listen Jen's my ride home so I gotta go but would you like to grab lunch sometime?"No way."I would love to.How about tomorrow?"He smiled."Sure see you tomorrow Bailee.Nice to meet you Hannah."He kisses my hand and walks out.

Hannah looked at me and smirked."Well now what are you wearing?"

Adopted By Sebastian Stan (Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora