Blushing cuz of you...

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Reminder: New every Tuesday and Thurday!

"My place."he answered.

You quickly snap your head towards the drivers seat. "I never said I was okay with you taking me anywhere you'd like. Take. Me. Home." You say as you look back out the window.

"The storm's only going to get worse, and I doubt we'd make it to your house without breaking down." he said in a monotone voice.

You sighed and rested your head on the cold window. " That's a lame ass excuse. If you wanted to kidnap me, all you had to do was throw me into your trunk; you wouldn't have had to deal with me then." You reply with a sigh.

You heard him growl, and couldn't help but smile. You had never annoyed anyone in your entire life, but annoying Levi was just too damn funny.

He drove up his driveway and parked the car. You, at this point could feel your heart beat rapidly. it was just a coincidence you two met up, and now you couldn't believe you ended up at his house.

You opened the car door and stepped out into the thunder storm. your clothes had dried alittle during the drive but they quickly became soaked with the rain pouring down the sky like there was no tommorow. "Let's go!" Levi shouted as he waited for you at the door.

You sped walked to him and walked inside of his house. When you entered, the warmth rushed towards you and made you shiver in pleasure. You took in the fresh aroma of lemons and observed the well-organized area around you. you looked around expressionless, but on the inside you were freaking out and surprised at how clean he was. He locked the door behind you and headed towards the kitchen. You followed him. your drenched clothes were becoming quiet uncomfortable with the warmth around you, you didn't want to be a bother, but figured it didn't matter since you didn't want to make it seem as though you liked him. "Hey, where's the shower? This freakin clothes is getting uncomfortable." you say as you pull on your drenched shirt.

"Tch. Why don't you quit being a brat, go to the living room and act like you're greatful." he said as he put some water to boil.

You crossed your arms and walked out of the kitchen obviously annoyed."it's not like I wanted to come here, you forced me here ya dumb fuck." you mumbled.

You continued to walk until you were pushed against the wall; both of your arms were pinned down. You looked up to find Levi looking down at you, a hint of pink on both of his cheeks. a pink shade spread across your own face at the adorable sight. He gazed into your eyes as though he wanted to say something, but was holding back his words. he looked away from you looking a bit embarrassed. "Why? Why do you do this to me?" He said, not really expecting you to understand or answer his question.

You looked away before your eyes could stare at his face in awe any longer. You tried hard to think of a way to break the awkward and unexpected moment. "Levi, let go." you said effortlessly.

Without hesitation, he removed his hands from yours and walked away without a word. you remained on the wall, watching him as he walked back to the kitchen. You thought, 'what the hell?'

You were confused as to why he was acting the way he was. the blush outstretched across your face remained as you still felt his warm touch linger on your delicate skin. The warmth of his touch formed goosebumps all over you. You shook your head in hopes that you could get rid of the feeling, but it didn't. You knew that you to had to say something bitchy to him in order to get any deep feelings from forming in your heart. "Levi!" You called as you walked to the kitchen.

It smelled like plants when you entered the kitchen, and it formed this warm, calm feeling in your chest. Levi turned around and handed you a cup of tea. "Tch, here. Drink it while it's still warm." he said as he took a sip of his.

You rolled your eyes and looked away. "I hate it. the smell, the taste, the color. I hate it. Now tell me where the shower is you idiot." you ordered as you turned your back to him. Truly, you were annoyed that he acted as though he hadn't been in such an awkward moment with you. His expression had changed so quickly from like freakin sensitive to his tough guy act in an instant.

Little did you know, he hadn't changed on the inside.

He smirked. "I'm sorry, but my house, my rules. I'm taking a shower first brat." He puts yours and his teacup down on the counter and began to walk out of the kitchen.

Your cheeks became flushed when he called you that, you knew he was simply fucking with you. "What the hell you dumb ass?!" You shouted as you followed him out of the kitchen and up the stairs he had gone up.

He stopped at the bathroom door and turned around to see your serious face looking up at him. he smirked at the sight of your pink cheeks and your arms crossed. It reminded him of a little angry girl, wanting something really bad, and trying everything to get it."What ever happened to ladies first?" You said as you gave him a death stare.

He inched his face closer and closer to you until your noses were practically touching. "Are you really that impatient?" He asked in a seductive way.

You began to feel your cheeks become warmer and warmer every passing second, you were frozen in place, full of shock, but this sensation in your belly said it felt right. His breath lingering on your skin, the fresh smell of plants. All of it drove you insane.

"You're welcome to join me if you'd like." he said in the same seductive way.

You were speechless, lost for words that you knew, but couldn't find. "S-stop fucking with me Levi." you manage to squeak in embarrassment and hesitation.

He flicked your nose with his finger, turned around, and entered the bathroom. At first, you couldn't move, but snapped back to reality when silence took over the area around you. you put your ear to the door and could hear him chuckle for a long while before he decided to turn on the water. "LEVI, YOU BASTARD! " You shouted as you banged your fists against the door.

You huffed as you turned around and and walked down the stairs to the living room. There, you flicked on the television and walked towards the couch. before you took a seat, you noticed your wet clothes still stuck to your body. You sighed in annoyance and began to undress yourself until you were left in nothing but a bra and panties. At first, you questioned your action, but then realized that Levi would be in the shower for a while since it was cold. That gave you enough time to find an extra pair if clothes to wear, ones that weren't soaked.

You made your way up the stairs and noticed a room beside the restroom. Without caring who's room it was, or what you were going to find in it, you opened the door and entered. "That bastard must have something in here." you said to yourself as you closed the door behind you and observed the area.

It looked like your simple room, a king-sized bed, a desk beside it, a drawer on the other side, and a closet. you looked towards the closet and slid the door open. The sweet aroma of Levi's cologne slapped your face as you observed the hanging clothes. You had to admit that there was something about that cologne that got you excited, and it made you blush madly every single time you came across it. You couldn't tell Levi because you feared he might use that weakness to his advantage if you ever told him. You came across a forest green colored shirt with a white and blue wing crossing each other. You grinned at the sight of the shirt and took it off of its hanger. "This ones alright." And with that, you slipped it on.

It was pretty long on you, but what bothered you most, was that it reeked of his delicious smelling cologne. Your body reacted to the cologne like before, a blush outstretched across your face. You began to feel this uncomfortable but tingly sensation come from below. The smell lingered all over your skin and formed goosebumps all over you. The warm and rather sexy scent sent you straight through the roof. you couldn't tell whether you were turned on, or if you were just overreacting. It wasn't until you began to feel the lips between your hips begin to moisten up, that you knew what you were feeling. your body was telling you exactly what it wanted.

You bit your lip.


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