We both started laughing and I crossed my arms across my chest and put one foot over the other. "So...are you...are you doing ok?"

I watched as he put his hands in his pockets and shuffled from one foot to the other. "I'm alright. After you left, I let her explain and by that I mean lie to my face again. I had enough and kicked her out and told her to never contact me again. This trip to LA couldn't have come at a better time. I need some sunshine to detox from the city."

I nodded. "Yea."

"So, you and Harry are doing better I see."

I took a breath. "Yea, taking it slow after everything."

Graysen looked at me before turning his attention back outside. "So, are you guys going to do the long distance thing or..."

Before I could open my mouth to answer, I saw a black SUV pull up and Marsh quickly get out and run towards me.

"Hey, Marsh."

"Ms. Emerson." I watched Marsh look Graysen up and down before I introduced them. They shook hands and for a moment, it was a little awkward.

"So, uh, I'll see you later, Graysen."

"Yea, see ya."

I smiled to Graysen and followed Marsh outside.

"So, where's Harry?"

"He is a bit held up at the moment but he will be coming along shortly," he said, as he pulled back the door. I quickly jumped in and found an envelope on my seat. The front said "Open me." I recognized Harry's handwriting and quickly opened it. Inside was a gold key with a purple ribbon tied to it. I looked inside for any other clue and found nothing. I looked up at Marsh in the rearview mirror but his eyes were on the road. I knew Marsh was probably sworn to secrecy as I turned the key over in my hand. I even examined the serial numbers but found no correlation between any of this.

The only clue I was given was that the SUV wasn't heading towards my house. I watched as some of the noise and traffic lessened as we got further on the Upper East Side. The homes here were gigantic compared to my small apartment. The SUV slowed and parked in front of a home with white stone and black trim and gating. There were lanterns perched on each of the lamp posts and they were surrounded with tall hedges and bushes. I looked up and saw it reached high into the sky, matching the other buildings next to it. I looked back at Marsh again but his face remained solemn and he wasn't getting out either. I tried to open my door but it was locked. I looked back at Marsh, completely confused now.

"Marsh...what's going on?"

I knew I was safe but I was still very confused.

"Patience, Ms. Emerson," he said, getting out. I watched as he walked around the car and opened my door for me. I eyed him suspiciously as he guided me towards the locked, black gate. I looked at him then back at the gate then back at him.

"Oh...right," I said as I pulled the gold key from my bag. I pushed it through the lock and it clicked open. I looked at Marsh again as I took a few steps towards the massive white stone building. I used the same key in the front door and pushed it back. I was greeted with an elevator door dinging open.

It was like something from a modern day New York City fairy tale as the elevator stopped and I took a step out with Marsh behind me.


I looked around the gigantic room and the view of the beautiful city from the floor to ceiling windows. In the center of the room sat a beautiful white spiral staircase and I saw double doors leading to a balcony. I wandered around and saw the massive kitchen filled with top of the line stainless steel appliances and butcher blocks, the huge dining room, and I lost count of the bathrooms and bedrooms. Marsh was standing in the huge foyer as I made my way back to him.

"Marsh, what is all this?"

Before he could answer, the elevator door dinged and he walked inside.

I watched as Harry stepped out and I felt my chest get tight. I would never get used to seeing him. He was magical. I couldn't help but smile as he approached me. He had on a dark green t-shirt, black pants and his cross necklace was shining in the sparkling foyer lights. His hair was pulled back and he had on dark sunglasses. His face broke out in the most dazzling smile.


I took a few steps towards him and his smell hit all my senses and I felt weak in the knees. I had to focus. Besides, Marsh was still around.

"Thank you for getting her here safely, Marsh. Good night."

Marsh nodded and left.

I looked over at Harry and then back around the beautiful apartment. I walked around a little more as Harry followed me around like a little puppy. I pushed back another set of double doors made of a dark wood and almost lost all bearings as Harry flipped a switch.

I ran towards the huge indoor pool and reached down to touch the water. "Is this heated?"

Harry nodded and started laughing.

"Harry, is this-is this your apartment?"

Harry nodded again.

"But weren't you just looking this morning?"

"Yes, love, but I wanted this one as soon as I saw it. Do you like it?"

"Like it? Harry, I love it! I mean there's no furniture but its beautiful. Seriously, this place is a dream home. People write books about places like these!"

"How about you decorate it?"

I looked up from splashing in the water to Harry. "What? Harry, first this place is huge and second, you can just hire someone to do that. Besides, this is your place, not mine."

"What if it was yours?"

"You're funny. This place is worth more then what I will make in ten lifetimes. Besides, where would you live if I swipe this place from under you?" I said, laughing.

"Rowan, I need you to understand what I'm saying. You and I live here...together..."

I was now staring at Harry as I let out a nervous, strange laugh. "W-what? I-I live-I have my own apartment. I-I can't-"

"Rowan, love, the past six months have been the most incredible, challenging, most wonderful moments of my life and that is because of you. I thought I had everything I ever wanted but then I met you and I realized how much I was missing. I want this to be our home...I want you to decorate it and fill it with your things...but most importantly...I want to fill it with you..."

I was speechless. Was this really happening? Harry Styles wanted me to live with him. In this amazing apartment. With him. Us. Together. All the time.


"Yes, Harry, yes!"

I jumped into his arms and couldn't help but squeeze him as hard as I could before letting go. We both started laughing as I looked around more. I was full of bliss for about another minute until the awful realization of what tomorrow held crept in and almost knocked the air of me.

(What will Rowan do?? Comment and vote my loves xoxo)

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