Chapter 22 - Finally; You're here

Start from the beginning

"Can I get you to sit up please". Harry slowly sat up and I saw the nurse slightly fascinated by Harry's toned body. I glared at her as her hands roamed his body with the stethoscope. "Deep breath please". Harry breathed in and out as the nurse continued to touch Harry's chest. I squeezed Harry's hand really tightly trying to hint him. He got it very soon.

"I'd much rather have my sexy boyfriend's hands roaming my body you know?" Jealousy filled her eyes and I smiled.

"It's just procedure Mr. Styles".

"Mhmm. I'd love to see every nurse taking their time, touching a patients chest, maybe I should ask another nurse if Bianca Hunt is allowed to be doing this..."

"Right. Done". I smiled at Harry's scheming ways. Harry pulled me in for a kiss and let out a loud moan just to piss her off. It worked too, the door slammed behind her.

"I love you". I whispered. He smiled cheekily.

"I love you more". Harry pulled me onto the bed next to him and pulled me back, so my back was right against his chest. He hugged me tightly and I smiled from his touch. I closed my eyes.


I heard someone clear their throat. I frowned a little, slightly opening my eyes. Harry's arm was still tightly wrapped around my waist, holding me close, his head rested in the crook of my neck. I turned my head slightly to see the homophobic nurse who has a crush on Harry. I groaned.

"What do you want?"

"I need to check Harry's pulse".

"Can't you see he is sleeping?" I groaned.

"Well then I need to wake him up".

"No you don't. I want him to keep on sleeping".

"I'm going to need to ask you to leave sir".

"No can do babe, I can't move as you can see". I huddled closer into Harry's chest and I could feel her shooting daggers into the back of my head. Even though you could barely see it due to Harry's mop of curls. I smiled to myself, with the feeling of Harry's arm wrapped tightly around my waist, his head cuddled into my neck. I felt light kisses on my neck and I tilted my head back more. Harry mover my t-shirt a little- reviling my collar bone. His kisses moved along then someone cleared their throat again. I groaned as Harry's touch left my body.

"Hello Harry, I need to do another check on you". Ugh that voice! I turned around and could see the annoyance in Harry's eyes. Harry sat up and the nurse got her stethoscope. I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm while her hands roamed his body. "Deep breath in". Harry took a breath. "And out". Harry continued to breath as she listened to his back. "You have a very nice heartbeat". Harry and I snapped our heads up to her.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked.

"It was a compliment Mr. Styles". The nurse took a sideways glance at me and smirked. That bitch. "You have a very toned body. You must be very fit".

"Excuse me?" Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm complimenting you, usually when someone compliments you, you say thank you". My breathing quickened. Harry must have noticed because he took my hand in his and squeezed it. "You also have beautiful eyes". I squeezed Harry's hand tighter. "Unlike that one next to you. I bet he has the most scrawny, skinny little body. Must be very unattractive. Too unattractive for you especially". Tears filled my eyes. "He couldn't even compare to you". Before I knew it I was running out of the room and down the corridor, tears spilling over my eyes. She's right. I'm unattractive. I'm not good enough for Harry. He deserves so much more. I'm a scrawny little stick. No muscle.

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