Her and Aug left out.

I warmed up me something to eat, sat on my couch and ate it while looking at television.

The door opened. Kris walked through.

"Kiki." Kris said coming in with his luggage.

"Hey. How was it?"

"Best time of my life. It made me feel like this what I should be doing. Made me feel alive I know that sounds corny. But it did."

He dropped his luggage by the kitchen counter and sat on the couch next to me.

"How aug doing?"

"Fine he went out with Bev. She was taking care of him while I was at work."

"My nigga didn't waste no time. Three Years locked up my nigga need him a lil friend. And Bev a nice lil look." He got up and took his luggage in the room.

"Bev's a nice lil look." I mocked him and took my plate in the kitchen.

"What was that for?" Kris said coming down the hallway.

"What?" I didn't know he heard me.

"You feeling him or something?"
He came in the kitchen looking in the fridge.

"Kris please. I would never stoop so low."

"There you go."

"Go what."

"Judging the man."

"I'm not judging him."

"I think you low key feeling my nigga." He smirked. "He told me how you low key tried to kiss him at the hospital."

"He's lying. " I washed my plate.

"Right." He rolled his eyes. "Ki if you feeling him just get at him. You betta do it quick for him and Bev start hitting it off."

"Why would I date someone whose been in jail?"

"Ki he was in jail for graffti."

"Three years for graffti? Give me a break."

"Look it up. Graffti is a felony with a sentence up to five years. My boy copped a plea got three."

I looked it up on my phone. Kris was right.

"It was all over the news. Aug drew this dope ass pic of Spike Lee on the side of one our school buildings. Back when we was sophomores in college. Google it. August Alsina spike lee."

I googled it. News articles came up and pics of his graffiti. It was pretty dope.

"I was the lookout but they got me. Then they got him. He said he'd confess to everything so I wouldn't have to serve time. So this is sorta my way of paying him back."

"He's really talented. He can do pencil portraits. He did one of me and Bev."

"The dudes the next Van Gogh or some shit. All he need is a chance. Then my nigga gon be selling million dollar paintings. Rolling in dough. Want me to hook you up so you can get in good now for the ladies be coming at my dawg left and right?" He got some chips off the top of the fridge.

Then went to the couch.

"No thank you."

"That's why you ain't got a man now Ki. You too mean." He said stuffing his mouth with chips.

"I'm not mean. I'm just not a pushover."

"Except when it come to Gabby."

"Whatever." I went to my room.

"Ki I ain't mean nothing by it. I'm just saying you working that dead end job. That's what got you so mean all the time. If you was doing something you loved you would be more happy. All you do is work and sleep. I'm telling you that cause I know. I ain't never felt as good as I felt as when I was up there with Mila. Hearing the crowd. Doing what I was born to do. It do something to you. And know I can come through and do this right here..." He pulled out an envelope and gave it to me.

I looked into it.

"That's five hundred. And it's more where that came from cause she hired me to officially be apart of the band."

"Really?" I stood on my knees excited.


"Yay!!!!" I ran to my brother and grabbed his neck jumping up and down with excitement.

"Ki you hurting my neck."

"My bad." I let him go.

"Mama kicked me out and I understand why. But I'm glad I finally got some good news to tell her."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Thanks Ki for just believing in me. When nobody did you did. That's why I want to see you happy. If that job ain't what you want, quit. Live your dream. Life is too short."

"Look at my little big brother giving me wisdom." I pinched his cheeks, making baby noses.

"Gone." He moved my hands laughing.

"I'm serious. If I can, you can."

"I hear you."

He left out.

Yes Kris I hear you. But if only it were that easy, I plopped back on my bed. 😩

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