Bloody Mary

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Requested by blazesnape

We all know the story of Bloody Mary, but since I cant find a good version of it, I decided to just tell the short version, now there seems to be 2 different stories in regards to Bloody Mary also known as Mary Worthington or Mary Worth. Nobody knows exactly how this urban legend/ folklore started.

#1- She was a witch executed 100 years ago for playing the black arts.

#2- A women of more modern times who died in a local car accident and in which her face was was hideously mutilated.

#3- Even some versions about a women that murdered children in the woods.

The legend goes like this chant her name " Bloody Mary" 13 times (some say 3 or even 100) louder each time until your practically screaming in front of the mirror (mainly the bathroom as it's the biggest) in the dark , but candles lighted candles are part of the ritual. Her face will appear in the mirror and scratch your eyes out. Sometimes the story goes she also strikes the summoner dead , drive her mad, or reach out and pull her into the spirit world where she must live with her. Sometimes none the above her face just appears.  Why in front of a mirror? Because mirrors where thought to be portals between this world and the spirit world and there was a time when people would cover all the mirrors in their house if a death occurred there until it was taken for burial. They where afraid a ghost would remain in the house as the departed person's spirit would be trapped in the mirror if they caught a glimpse of themselves.  What is the possible origin of this story?  Divination Rituals- Stories of girls summoning faces in a mirror go back centuries in "mirror witch" games involving the ritual of unmarried girls chanting into a mirror on a special night thus getting a quick glimpse of the groom to be.  It is a very popular game for mainly suburban girls having a sleepover to play and has been around awhile.

NOTE* Some people confuse Bloody Mary with Queen Mary I of England who was known as "Bloody Mary" for putting a number of Protesents to death for heresy. In her attempt to make England a Catholic Kingdom once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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