Wat is luv?

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I waz just thinking. About the ski. How it is so purty. The blue & the cludz. Wat if I waz in love with ski? Maybe God want me to b with ski nawt cheeky or turkey. She speak 2 me with the wind. At just that meoment that I thinked I luked up & turkey & cheeky standing above meh. They b holding hoofs and fethers. I start to cri drop out of my eye. Turkey say to me "I sorry surpize....." I says "how cold you?" He sayed "I luved cheeky b4 I luvsd u & I luv her moar" I cri drop more...."how cold I make u luv me moar?" He says "nothing, surpize...." I run to the wuds again. Where ican be alone with ski. I say to her "ski.....should I runs away? Cheeky hates me....& turky" the wind blows onto my dark brown furr I stand feling skis luv to me. She always knows what 2 say. She tells me to run away. I say "ok"

Its ben 284 secs sense ski told me what 2 do. I had been paking to go. I haf packed
A knife
A pillow
I put the stuff in my furr den I get rady to jump then I run so bootyfully out of the pen. I run as fast as I can't hoping the stuff will not fall out of my furr. This is it. This is me being fre. I is fre. Its just me & ski. 2gther alone.

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