Chapter VI - Lullaby From The Past

Start from the beginning

“I’ll be taking that lead role of Juliet!” Brittany said while glaring at me. “And I’ll make sure that you’ll be landed on a role character say, my maid, perhaps?” she smirked at me.

I heard Bitch-any’s minions laughed at her not-so funny threat. I didn’t notice that they were even there at all. I just rolled my eyes and turned my back to her so that I can continue my practice.

“What? No retort for a comeback to my comment?” Brittany said and I could feel that my last thread of patience is about to break. If she tries to open her mouth, I don’t even know if she’ll actually be able to get out of this auditorium uninjured, or alive.

“You’re pathetic Destiny!” she spat out my name venomously. “You’ll always be a loser and second best next to me!”

That was it!

I have enough hearing her nonsense comments about degrading me. I turned to face her and strut towards her, preparing to shut her mouth whatever it takes when a hand caught me by the wrist. I instantly face the person who stops me from murdering Brittany.


I glared at him for stopping me, before I roughly detach from his hold, but he only tightens his grip. I muttered several curses before I calm myself to stop from what I was about to do. Besides, I felt my skin stinging from his grip that I had to stop struggling.

I let out a heavy breathe before I turned to face Brittany, still showing that smirk plastered on her face that pisses me off. “See you at the auditions,” was all I said before I left for the backstage.

I heard her say something but Skylark must have charmed her into silence. He was good at that especially to girls like Brittany who has a thing for him.

I heard the auditorium doors opened then closed again before silence filled the whole place. That must mean that Sky must have escorted them out and, perhaps being force to spend some precious time with Brittany and her evil minions.

I’m even sure that Brittany is using her pouty lips and pretty eyes for Sky to agree with her. If I would witness that kind of scene, I might just get sick for whole week. Well, not a week, perhaps a day just to passed out of ever to forget the scene I just witness.

I sat down on the chair by the dressing room while I look at myself at the mirror. I carefully looked at my facial description before I let out a heavy sighed.

Dad was right.

I was the total replica of my mother.

From the eyes, nose, mouth, cheek and hair, I was like the reincarnation of my mother’s image. It was no wonder why many people would mistake me for her being alive. It was like I was only my mother’s shadow, and its as if I never exist.

I furiously slammed my fists on the table.

Damn, damn, damn!

If I was almost the same replica as my mother, then how is it possible that I couldn’t even sing, much more even try to act? I couldn’t even portray Juliet’s character no matter how much I try to become like her. I just can’t be like my mother who’s very professional in this sort of dilemma.

Why can’t I be like her?

Why, why, why?!

The next thing I knew it, there was a hand offering a handerkerchief on it. I looked up and saw Sky giving me a hesitant smile, although it was clearly seen from his looks that he was worried about me. I clenched my fists tightly. The last thing I want for anyone to feel for me was pity.

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