"Hoskins cleared everybody out when he took over," Owen stated. "Even if we did head there, tracking devises won't help."

"Why the hell not?" Claire demanded.

Owen looked at her as if she were speaking a different language. "Because we're trying to get away from them not find them," he said slowly.

"They're bickering like an old married couple," I chuckled quietly to Zach as he helped Gray get out of the truck.

He smirked. I didn't realized how much I missed his smirk. "Is that gonna be us?"

I blushed. Us? Together for that long? I didn't even know if we'd get off this island safely let alone what I'd be doing after that. I smiled to cover my frown. I didn't have time to think about 'Zach and Mari.' For right now it was just the virus and Jurassic World. Zach and I could wait, couldn't we?

"So where are we heading?" I ask. It was starting to get cooler on Isla Nuber as night took over. I crossed my arms at the breeze.

"To the Control Room."

"To the hotel with the others."

I raised my eyebrow as the spoke over each other. Before I could comment, the wind hit the trees, making them sway. My eyes narrowed. Only a certain spot of trees moved.Something was in them.

"Guys, I suggest we go inside," the trees moved again in separate directions as if they were being parted, "now." Something was coming and I sure as hell did not want to be out in the open.

I started towards the Innovation Center, it was the closest building. Lucky me. Gray, Zach, and Claire followed immediately, whereas Owen lagged to the back, annoyed.

Park visitors had already be cleared out, making our decent to the Control Room easy. I recognized the hallway from earlier.

Claire slowed her pace as we neared the bioengineering lab. I assumed that the Control Room was located somewhere around here. The shelves were bare and the containment units used to house the dinosaur embryos were opened. The thawing caused the room to fill with a cool fog.

"They cleared out the lab," Claire announced, dumbfounded.The lab was in chaos. Papers were littered about, boxes half empty. They must have been in a rush.

"Why would they take everything?" Zach wondered aloud. Claire didn't answer. I couldn't help but wonder about something of my own. Who. Who was behind this? I felt a pang of anger. Whomever did this was practically stealing from my father.

A loud mash erupted from the back of the lab. My guess is that someone wasn't quick enough to leave without a trace. I walked towards the sound and stood in front of a wall. The noise had to have come from somewhere behind the wall...

Taking a closer look, I noticed a thin line that ran from the celling to the floor. I pushed slightly and the secret door eased open. Without looking back, I walked inside. The door lead to a hidden room off the side of the lab.

Unlike the previous room, this room was completely clean except for the odd looking animals that were lined up directly in front of me.

I stopped abruptly, making Zach walk into me. Slowly, I peered into the terrariums. The animals, if you could call them that were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They weren't dinosaurs, but hybrids of everyday zoo animals. One had two snake heads, another was a rat and a lizard combined; they were unnatural, genetically modified organisms.

Zach came up behind me, tapping the glass making the snakes hiss. "This is horrible," I whispered. Whatever these scientists were going to do with these animals could not have been good.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. Or should I say 'raptor?"

I straitened. I'd know that scheming, conniving voice anywhere. Hoskins.

"What are you doing here, Vic? Why is the lab empty?" Claire asked calmly, but I could hear the underlining venom in her tone.

I glared discussed as Hoskins scratched the stubble that ran along his neck. "Now, if I was gonna tell you that, I'd have to kill you," he joked, for the most part.

"Is that a threat?" Zach hissed, his voice cold, eyes narrowed. I never heard him speak so harshly. His arm looped around me, keeping me safely behind him. I could practically hear the muscles in his fist lock into gear, ready to defend.

"What are you doing here, Hoskins," Owen repeated.

"I'm just grabbing a few things..." he snickered.

Before he could turn around, glass shattered, sending shards everywhere. Zach pushed me back closer to the walk as I grabbed Gray and pulled him to my side. A velociraptor burst through the glass wall, landing in between us and Hoskins. Owen moved in front of Claire. I watched as the 'raptor peered around the room. I sucked in a breath as her orange eyes locked in our direction.

Owen put his open palm out, trying to reason with her. "Charlie...don't."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Hoskins inching ever so slightly to his right, towards the open door. I wasn't the only one to notice him.

Charlie snapped her head to the side. Hoskins jetted out this hand, trying to do what Owen did. It didn't work. Charlie zeroed in on it and launched herself at him.

"Go! Now! Go, go." Owen pushed us out of the room. I tripped on the glass, cutting my hand. Zach grabbed my arm, helping me up.

As we turned down the hallway, I could hear Hoskins' screams. I didn't feel anything.



Hey, sorry that this chapter was more of a filler. Don't worry, we're gearing up for the battle scene!

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