A Secret Reveals!!

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Blue didn't go sleep because she didn't feel tired. Instead she read what lessons she missed to see if she knew them and she did. After, she felt bored so she read a magazine to find out the latest gossip, and read the school newsletter to be updated about the events coming up. It was dark in her room, and she wanted to switch the light on but she couldn't because she wasn't allowed to get up. She accidently clicked her fingers, and miraculously the lights switched on. Blue quickly flinched. She was confused, she didn't even press the switch and the lights went on. But she didn't think about it too much. Then she wanted her laptop so she could play games because she was bored, she wished for her laptop to be on the table next to the bed. She heard a flash and looked at the table near her bed. There she saw her laptop on the table. Blue started freaking out. he didn't know how her laptop came there. She calmed down and "CHHHHUSH" she heard thunder, she said out loud,

 "Oh i hope the thunder goes away soon, so i could see the moon shining."

 As soon as she said that the thunder vanished. What the hell was going on. She started panicking. Sweat poured out of her and dripped to the floor, she was scared because she didn't know what was going on. Whatever she wished for came true. She slowly sat up to drink some water to cool her down. When she took a sip of it, she spat it out because it was warm.

 "If i had magical powers i could've made this water cold," she said while pointing at the glass.

Suddenly a spark came out of her finger and onto the glass. When Blue saw that she quickly felt the glass getting cold. She took another sip and the water was freezing. She layed down and started thinking what was happening. While she was thinking she started getting sleepy and she fell asleep.


It was morning and Blue woke up. Slowly, she got out of bed and checked if she felt dizzy. She brushed her teeth and washed her face then put her uniform on. Then slowly walked downstairs with her bag. She went to the table and started eating her breakfast, her mum asked her if she slept alright, and that was when Blue remembered about what happened yesterday. After eating she left her house and was on her way to meet her friends. While she was walking she was thinking about what happened yesterday. Whatever she said came true and that was freaky. When she met them, they all started walking. Everyone was talking except for Blue, she kept on thinking about the incident. They reached the school gates and everyone stopped. But Blue hadn't realized they stopped and she carried on. They ran to her and made her stop, that was when she snapped out of it.

"What's the matter Blue are you alright?" Luke asked.

"I'm fine i just have a lot on my mind" Blue said and then she walked off.

They all wondered what happened to her and Sapphire said,

 "What does she have on her mind that's making her upset."

 Everyone shrugged and then went into class. Ms Chiyo said welcome back to Blue and told her about the lesson's she missed. She already learned them before.


 When it was lunch time Blue and her friends went outside to have burgers for lunch. When they went into the shop and ordered their food, they sat down at a table and were talking. But Blue sat there still, she didn't move. She stared at Nathan and started thinking about it again. She was completely daydreaming, and didn't realize she was. Nathan asked Blue what drink she wanted but she didn't reply. He then tapped her shoulder while everyone were talking. Nathan asked,

"Blue are you alright, you've been spacing out recently and you look unhappy."

 She said everything was fine and gave a fake smile. The food arrived and everyone started eating. When everyone finished they headed back to school while everyone was chatting, Nathan went behind them to talk to Blue. But she still said she was fine and ran ahead to catch up with the others.

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