Alena Sanders

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We're still in the same timeline, don't worry;) Let's get into this!

Oh, how much I hate waking up early. Today is my first shoot with Macy's. They paid a lot of money for me to come and model for some of their clothing lines. I was fully standing now, ready to get into the bathroom, only to be interrupted by a text message. It was from my best friend, Lillian. She texted, telling me, to turn on E! news. As I stalked over to my TV, I tried looking for the remote but I didn't seem to find it. A benefit of being very rich, I can turn on my TV by simply saying 'On'.

Welcome to E! News! Where we share the latest gossip with you. This is Alex Felow. Some days ago, some of our fellow people spotted a citizen, almost identical looking to Alena Sanders. Yes, you heard it! Alena Sanders. What will Alena do next? Here is a short clip! Roll it, boys!

There was a girl, looking like me, talking to Dean in front of the Times Square. I couldn't hear what they were talking about because I zoned out. There is another me? That can't be. Probably just a fan. Or not? This is so damn confusing. I should probably get her out of the picture. But how do I do that? She talked to Dean! That's it. I just have to use him to get to her. I need to figure all this out...
"Mrs. Sanders! Mrs. Sanders! Alena?", my assistant is Greek so she needs to repeat everything a thousand times. "Yea?" I still need to shower. "You're late. " And brush my teeth. "Yes. How much time do I have?" Oh! And eat! "30 minutes." 30 minutes! "I need to be fast then." My assistant, Deimo, left without saying goodbye. She is very weird. She's old and Greek and always tells my about Greek myths. Crazy woman. Anyway, I need to get ready. Let's do this!
After I was ready to go, my driver drove me to the wanted destination, though I didn't really pay much attention to the road. I was trying to get together my plan.
"Alena, honey, you look fabulous. Just raise up that chin and you'll be good to go." That was my secretary, my mom. She never really wanted to let go of me, now that I was so famous. "Yes, mom." She doesn't like to be called that. "You know that I look way too young to be your mother. And don't call me that in front of other people." See? "Yes ma'am."
"Now go and make me pround," she cooed.
After the shoot, I went to Starbucks to meet up with Dean.
"Dean. We need to talk." I paused. "About the girl." He gave me a questioning glance. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said finally. "Oh please. I saw it all over the news. There is no use in lying to me."
"What do you want from her?", he asked. "Well, I just need to get her out of the picture. She will take all my popularity away, if I don't take her out," I explained without taking a breath. "I won't participate. I actually enjoy her presence," he explained. I smirked, knowing what might come next. "You still remember my mom's birthday? Remember the pictures we took? I still have that one where you-," Dean cut me off. "Hey! Don't say that out loud!" He sighed. "What do I have to do?"


Now, what to wear? I still had some time. Dean texted me saying that he'll be a little late. He had to run some errands. After dressing myself, I went to my kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat. Being done and all, I looked up Delta to book my next vacation. I wanted to go to Brazil really bad. One was on sale, and it didn't cost that much. Ding-dong
Oh, there he is. As I opened the door, Dean stood there breathlessly. "Medea, I have to warn you."


Hey hey hey! Cliffhanger, woot woot! This chapter is really short, because I think I'm just gonna make them a little shorter than the ones before. The last one was really long so I thought that it'd be okay if I make this one shorter. If you want to know what I'm doing right now, I'm sitting on a plane to Miami, then to Brazil. So now you know how I got the idea of sending Medea to Brazil. Get it? Get it? *awkard face* Anyhoo, I thought that if I put that into the story then I could include something I may have done or would want to do with maybe more sugar on top. I have snapchat if you guys want to follow my course through Brazil and all, but yea. Just ask me in the private chat if you want my snapchat! Stay tuned. In the next chapter, we're going back in time to visit Ancient Greece and Medea and everybody. If you guys have better banners, just send me them per PC (private chat)! See you in the next chapter!

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