Chapter 1 The Plan

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I ran. I ran as fast as I could. How could Percy do this?, he just cheated on me, and with drew! Salty tears ran down my face as I ran into the hades cabin, Cause mine won't let me in. When I got there, I saw Piper and Nico hugging and Piper was crying. Nick looked up and let go of Piper. "What's wrong," He asked. "Percy cheated on me", I said through tears. "Oh, Annabeth," Piper said, "Its okay, Jason cheated on me to".

Piper hugged me. Nico looked at a picture sadly. The picture was of Thalia. "Are you okay," I asked. "No, Thalia attacked me". He took of his shirt and I saw a long scare on his back. " That bitch", Said Piper. "I have an idea, I said , we could runaway and never come back". Nico put his hand up. "I'm in", he said. "Good, Piper, Are you in?", I said. She put her hand up to. "Yep", she said and smiled.

" Great, lets pack, we can leave tomorrow morning". Piper said in a small voice, "My cabin won't let me in,". "Mine wont either", I said. "You can borrow mine", Nico said. "Cool, and I will get my stuff with my invisiblity cap", I said. "Piper can wait in here and borrow my cap after". "Okay let's start", Nico said. I snuck into my cabin, grabbing a list of things I need.


Bow and arrow
Pocket knife

1000 Drachmas

Where did I get the money? My father gave it to me, or I stole it, I forgot. I ran to the hades cabin, giving my hat to Piper. Five minutes later, Piper came in holding a pink duffel bag and sat it near my grey one. Nico finished packing, and sat it down on the ground. "Dibs on middle," he shouted. He jumped on the middle of the bed and I went on his left and Piper went on his right. Night pipes, Night Nico, I said. Night, Anna, said Piper. Night Annabeth, said Nico. I shut my eyes a went to sleep, having a strange dream of Wolves and a War. Annabeth.., I heard a voice say. I where did you go, I missed you..

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