"Let's go to the café together." he suggested, leaving the windows open and he joined your side. He was about to ask you something but your phone rang and the caller ID said it was your dad so you apologized to Chris and said you really have to answer. He nodded and smiled before you answered.

You listened to your father telling you about the lunch at the Italian restaurant and then told you he gave Chris your number. You couldn't help but smile at the thought that he was so proud of him that he did it. You said your goodbyes and ended the conversation.

You moved your phone from your ear down to find the 'end call' button and Chris looked at your phone, laughing at the picture of your dad you had on your phone when he called you. But then it went away and the funny picture of your dad was replaced by a picture of Chris' photo shoot [the picture above].
You noticed Chris was watching, his eyebrow was up in the air again and the look of disgust appeared on his face.

"Really? Oh my fuck, are you serious?" he said, taking the phone off your hand without asking. You were a little scared of what he might say next. He was obviously not happy with the fact that you had a picture like this for your wallpaper.

"Jeez, I look like shit." he said, still staring at your phone.

"Okay, that's enough." you said when you finally had enough of him saying crap about himself. Plus, he's rejected you pretty well right now so you were already embarrassed enough.

"You do not look like shit, because if you did, you probably wouldn't be here but I'm gonna change it if you're mad at me for this. I just thought you were hot." you added, unlocking your phone to change your background, making Chris laugh.

"No, no. It's not that. I just thought that I looked way better at the photo shooting. Looks like I overrated myself." he said, blushing a little.

A huge rock fell off your heart as you realized that he wasn't mad at you. What he realized was the worried expression you had on your face before so he poked your shoulder, smirking.

"Got a little worried, huh?" you laughed awkwardly and hit his hand to stop him from poking you.

You walked a few meters more untill he saw a group of people staring at him, whispering things to each other, probably meaning that they noticed Chris. His jaw clenched and he grabbed your hand, turning around and started walking in another direction.

"Let's go home." he said, hoping you'll understand what he meant, which you did, so you caught his step and walked by his side.

Surprisingly, he was still holding your hand. The feeling of his huge but soft hand in your palm made you smile and you felt your hands were getting sweaty. And Chris seemed to notice both of these things so he let go of your hand.

"Sorry, I just had to get us out of there and-" he said but was soon cut off by your apologies.

"It's okay, I'm sorry, my palms are just so sweaty, it's too hot here." you lied, but he knew the truth.

"Ha, you're cute. C'mon, get in the car, I'll drive us to my house." he said as his compliment lit up your face. You jumped into the passengers seat and pulled your phone out, going through your Facebook feed while Chris tried to cool down his giant car. As you were later driving, his phone rang and he asked you to help him since he was driving and didn't want to hurt anybody. He told you to reach into his shorts' pocket to find his phone but you laughed and denied it since it would be really awkward because this could feel like you'd be searching for his dick.

He repeated his previous sentence again and you just shook your head.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be shy." he said, turning the wheel and then looked right at you, but you awkwardly laughed and blushed. "I mean, I'm sure you won't be later..." he added, winking.

"Okay, wow, what was that about?" you asked, laughing and blushing even more because you knew this was a hint for you and you obviously enjoyed the idea of you two being tangled in sheets creating some kind of hot mess. And he was probably right. You wouldn't be shy if it came to that phase.

He didn't reply or look at you either, he just kept staring at the road, smiling and smirking.

"You're an asshole." you laughed, reaching your hand inside his pocket. Your hand started to sweat and you could literally feel how fast your heart was beating and how fast was the blood going throwing your veins.

"Men, they always have these huge pockets, fuck them." you thought to yourself while you were still reaching for his phone when you finally reached it after feeling you needed an hour to get to it. In reality, it was thankfully just a second or two.

Till you got his phone out, it stopped ringing and you pressed on the turn on/off button and saw two really familiar faces on the background of his phone. It was a selfie you two took a few days ago at the photo shooting.

"Do you really...?" you asked, turning his phone to him and he blushed, looking back at the road, running his hand through his hair in embarrassments.

"Well... I... Uh... I just thought it was a great picture and I really like you.. It! The picture, I like the picture." he laughed awkwardly, making you giggle, he was so adorable.

"You're cute, you know that?" you said, smiling.

"You too." he looked at you and you blushed at the eye contact.

"Watch the road." you carefully said, trying not to make this awkward moment even more embarrassing. He looked back at the road and said that you should be at his home in about two minutes. Unsure whether he invited you with him or not and you were still a slittle shy around him, you asked him where is he dropping you and he replied,

"You just got here, besides, I was planing on spending this afternoon with you and if you're not busy tomorrow, stay the night? I promise it's going to be the best one you've ever had."

"Oh yeah? What does your best night include?" you asked, hoping for the best answer.

"Okay...First, Music and snacks for beginning, some red wine and nice dinner later, followed by movies and popcorn and a cute kissing session on my couch, then we head to my bedroom and make out for as long as you want then you fall asleep in my arms, in the morning we do more hot stuff and then I request a shower together, where we continue with what we did earlier. Sound good?" he said and parked his car in front of his huge house, looking you straight in the eye.

His flirting took control of your brain and in a second you responded with a "Take me." and disappeared inside his house, not giving a shit about first three parts and just disappeared in his bedroom.

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