Niall wiped the corners of his eyes with his white tee shirt before drawing in a deep breath. "I was such a fucking dick to him, Ariana. What I said could've triggered him into s-swallowing all those pills, it's all my fault." He sobbed silently.

I pulled him in and let him rest his head in the crook of my neck as I gently ran my nails through his scalp. "It's not your fault, Niall. I know you feel bad for throwing that shit to his face like that but I doubt that triggered him into doing what he did; he is much stronger than that. He wouldn't let anyones words get to him."

"B-But what if he is doesn't make it," Niall sobbed. His words alone only shot a white-hot spear straight through my heart. I feared that ever since I saw his body lying on the ground with a bottle of pills in his hand, I just never thought some one would say it out loud. "I never got to say goodbye, I never got to apologize, I never got to hug him again, I never got to laugh with him again. If I never get to apologize to him the guilt will die with me, Ariana. I miss my best friend so fucking much." He choked out, his sobs echoing throughout the area.

A few people shot us saddened glares as they heard Niall release the rest of his sobs. Even Liam rubbed at Niall's back as he sobbed uncontrollably.

"I-I miss him too, but you have to stop thinking that he is gone because there is a possibility that he's not. We just have to hope for the best right now." I gently replied, mostly telling that to myself rather than Niall. I softly pressed a kiss to his forehead in a comforting gesture. He didn't react much to it, he only squeezed my hand tighter in his.

After repeating a few comforting things to his ear, Niall pulled away after pressing a gentle kiss to my nose. He didn't seem to stop crying, though, neither did Liam as they were locked into a manly embrace. The sight only warmed my heart and make a pathetic smile etch onto the corners of my lips.

My smile faded as the familiar looking doctor walked into the room which only made my heart plummet even deeper into the pit of my chest. I abruptly stood to my feet as I watched the doctor with hopeful eyes. Niall stood by my side and took my hand in his, his other hand occupied by Liam's.

"We had some minor complications during his surgery but he should be alright. He has not awaken yet, though."

"Can we see him now?" I asked again, my tone impatient and worried.

"Not yet, he is not in good shape at the moment." He murmured as he stared down at the clipboard in his hands.

"It's been six fucking hours, what do you mean he's not in good shape?!" I snapped, my impatience and stress getting the best of me.

"He is really weak right now, ma'm." He glared at me behind his glasses. "He didn't have much food in his system when we preformed the surgery, he was already in terrible condition."

"I'm his girlfriend, I need to see him now!" I angrily shouted, my hands clenching into fist. Niall gently squeezed my hand to calm me down but it only made me angrier. "Why can't I just see him!"

"Ma'm, please lower your voice." He gently pleaded. "I already said he is not in a great condition, the excessive amount of alcohol in his system only made it worse."

A flicker of anger burst inside me, my patience was growing thin and I was practically seething with anger now. I launched myself forward and dodged past the shocked doctor, trying to get to Harry's room because I was desperate to see him. I was only able to make it a few feet past the waiting room before I was dragged back by Niall and Liam. My body thrashed and my throat burned as I released an angry string of profanities as I was dragged back into the waiting area. I shouted and let the tears streak down my cheeks in frustration. I no longer wanted to be here, I wanted to see Harry but I didn't want to sit in silent room for another six hours.

Clueless [h.s]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें