The Guiding Star (not completed)

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            Behind Jonathan the portal closed and Cedric's soldiers did not have enough time to get to the portal. The soldiers went back where they came from. They went out from the trunk and saw Cedric standing outside of the tree. ''Did you get them?'' Cedric asked. ''No sir, both the soldier and the Queen's son escaped through a portal that we never knew about'' said the general. ''You fool! You know what this means, what this means. The royal heir will continue with that small boy. Set up posts throughout the land blocking every portal and find that boy and soldier'' Cedric said with full anger.

            Meanwhile, the young soldier arrive the human world at night in an alley where there are cats meowing and a homeless guy near the dumpster where flies fly around his head. Jonathan saw the dumpster and almost starts to vomit, but he ignored the homeless guy and walked out of the alley. He saw the streets were empty with cars. He never saw this type of technology before. The lights of the street were making noises that the young soldier never heard. The houses were old and it was the poorest section of the city.

            The young soldier starts to walk through the city, until he reaches the upper part of town. He saw mansions where the major company owners and along these mansions they have their own land. He went to one of the richest house that he could find.

            Jonathan found on where there was a black gate surrounded the mansion. The gate has a modern security system that it will be impossible to beat. It has two brick columns that the bricks are the colour red. On the bricks of the gate entrance, there is a camera and a speaker that way people could talk to the security.

            Upon entering through the entrance, there is a driveway that leads up to the front of the entrance. All along the side of the driveway, there is lights that shine bright as he sun. In the middle of the driveway, there is a water fountain that is surrounding by different wild flowers around the world.

            The mansion had marble columns that are fourteen feet high. The walls of the mansion and the stairs are made out the material as the columns. The doors are eight feet high and the doors are made of iron with the colour black. The doors have an iron handle that  way a person could knock. The knock was capable of making a huge sound that way everybody could hear.

            Jonathan went over the fence and went into the shadows that guards doesn't see him. With a blink of an eye, the young soldier went in the back of the mansion. He looks up and saw a window that light was shinning out. Jonathan saw a vine next to the wall that leads to the balcony of the room.

            Jonathan takes his cloth and made a loop around his neck and landed on his chest. He then puts the Queen's son in the loop that he created and climbs the vine to get to the window. The window is made out of bronze and the balcony is made out of marble.

            The young soldier finally reached the balcony. He climbed over the edge of the balcony and peeked through the window. Jonathan saw a married couple playing with their three year old son. The father was handsome, strong muscles and abdominals. He has black hair and brown eyes. The mother is skinny and has blond hair and blue eyes.

            The father looks up to the window and saw Jonathan. Jonathan grabs his sword and the father came over to open the lock of the window. The father opens the window and invited Jonathan inside their room. Jonathan enters into the room and says ''Please I need your help to keep this young one safe from harm’s way. '' ''You mean our son?'' said the father. Jonathan took out the Queen's son and the mother joined her husband and Jonathan. Jonathan explains to the parents of what happened and decided to take the child as their own.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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