Chapter 35: And It Begins

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Clearing my throat, I was determined to find something to talk about with Captain America. "Captain-"

"Steve will do, ma'am."

I peered at him, something picked at my heart. Smiling slightly, I replied, "in that case, call me Matron."

Steve's frown dissolved, and we began small talks as we both pretended I had never played Kid Ink out loud accidentally in front of Captain America.

Supper was good. In fact, it had been quite a while since I had something that tasted like paradise. I savoured the bitter sweet of Tony's favourite wine and sat back. Next to me, Charlotte and Bucky were quiet as the others chatted on, with Tony being the loudest, Pepper watching him lovingly; Bruce observing Natasha with slightly awe and admiration, there was something else there that I couldn't quite catch; Clint and Steve were discussing something vigorously. Above all, however, Bucky and Charlotte held hands. Nothing more was needed to say between them. They knew each other was there and that was enough.

I allowed myself to imagine that this was the perfect ending for everyone by the table. Then, as if God had decided to shove my thoughts back up my behind, Natasha's phone rang to break in the news.

It was easy for me to pick up words from Natasha's phone call, despite the noises in the restaurant. It was one of the few secrets that I was hiding from Charlotte...

The woman's expression darkened at once, catching everyone's attention. Steve leaned in on his elbow, and Clint never removed his eyes from Natasha.

"They've brought her in-Her intention is still to be determined."

Natasha tilted her head, her glints fell on Charlotte consciously. "Should she meet her?"

"It's a reluctant yes from Director Fury. Can you guys come in now?"

Natasha reached up to gesture for a waiter. "You've got it," She replied to the other person on the phone as the waiter approached. Hanging up on her phone call, Natasha smiled at the waiter, who seemed slightly dazed by the woman's charm. "Can we have the bill please?"

If he was confused, the waiter didn't say anything. Nodding, he hurried away to get our bills. I sat still, carefully mastering my expression to cover the fact that I had had listened to Natasha's whole conversation with the person on the phone. "What's wrong?" Steve questioned gravely. Sensing Natasha' constant gaze on Charlotte, Bucky's arm creaked with tension as he kept his grip firm on Charlotte's hand.

"Your mother has just been arrested for public violation in Smithsonian. Shield brought her in instead, under government influential, of course."

Charlotte blinked, her face was pale. Everybody's attention returned to her. To show her nerves and anxiety, her eyes began to seep with redness. "My mum?" She faltered and surprisingly, Bucky put an arm around her protectively and Charlotte leaned in without a second thought.

"What sort of public violation?" Tony asked with a frown. Next to him, Pepper watched the conversation moving out of her control helplessly, her hand was tightly entwined with Tony's.

Natasha's brows ceased and the air was sparking with tension. The waiter returned with a really bad timing. Realizing he had stepped amidst a serious conversation, the waiter froze in his frame. Putting on her sweet smile, Natasha turned to him and placed a generous amount of notes on the silver plate. "Keep the change, sweetheart," She remarked and pushed away from the table. The waiter, who was merely a young boy emerging into adulthood, stared at the notes on his tray. 

"Thanks, miss," He mumbled and gazed among us. We took our hint and stood from our chairs as well.

"Thought I was paying?" Tony chimed in good-humorly, though it wasn't hard to tell that he was taken back by the change of events. Natasha put on her coat and Clint glanced about us as if he was looking out for potential threat. Bucky helped Charlotte up, his eyes were serious and cautious. Charlotte's expression was blank, like how she liked to conceal the fact that she was indeed frightened. 

She hadn't seen her mother since she had left her. Charlotte had all the right to be scared, now that her mother had decided to pop up in public by getting arrested. These weren't coincident. They were chained, somehow, in a twisted way, under a carefully calculated scheme. 

As we headed out of the restaurant, Clint's phone beeped. His expression was weary when he told us he had to go. It wasn't difficult to tell that Fury had something else planned for the spy, probably related to the abrupt appearance of Charlotte's mother. Nodding at Natasha gravely, Clint took off in another street. 

Tony scowled up at the sky, he had only slightly relaxed when Pepper leaned in to peck on his cheek. They whispered something and a wan smirk played at Tony's lips. Natasha fished out a key set and handed it over to Tony. "I'm calling shotgun," She said casually, as if she was trying to lighten up the atmosphere. 

I turned to reach for my car, only to jump slightly when I realized Steve was following me. Of course he would join me on my ride again. It made sense. It wasn't like he wanted to spend more time with me alone or anything. Okay, Matron, just stop. 

Before I pulled myself into the driver seat, I cast one last look over at the group. Bucky had locked Charlotte in a secure embrace. He kissed the top of her forehead gently and Charlotte fluttered her eyes close. "I'll be here with you," Bucky had said. I was finally growing to like them together, though I wasn't sure I would spend the effort to stand Bucky if it wasn't for Charlotte. I liked the fact that instead of saying clingy things like 'everything will be fine', Bucky went for the more realistic ones, and somehow, I believed him when he said he would be there for my best friend. 

Despite of what I had heard of him, I believed the legendary assassin when he made the promise.

Soldiers (Completed) •Soldiers Series• Bucky Barnes/ Avengers FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin