Chapter One: Their Plan.

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Watching, watching here, with eyes like sky, eyes like I never seen…

Frank Ocean - Eyes Like Sky

Anneliesa’s POV:

My screams failed to pierce through the water above as all of the thoughts that consumed my mind disappeared, all but one.

I was drowning.

I thrashed my arms and legs in the murky water in an attempt to save myself, until…

 “Anneliesa! Wake up. It’s your first day of school!” My mother’s thick Cuban accent filled my ears harmoniously. “Si, mama!” I yelled back in our first language, sighing breathily into my sweat-clad, trembling hands. My brother drowning was a subject I hated, yet I had to re-endure it every time I closed my eyes. I crawled weakly out of my oversized bed, making a trail of discarded clothes I peeled from my body travel from my bedroom into the bathroom connected to it. My bloodshot red eyes stared back at me in the bathroom mirror. I can not keep doing this.


“No, mama, I’m fine.” I insisted for the millionth time. I pushed my still-full plate forward from its original position, grabbing my bookbag and heading toward the door. “Okay, hija. But I know something is…” I didn’t hear the completed sentence because I had walked out of the door before she finished it. The school was almost right across the street, something I hated. I’d never have time to think before I even walked inside.

Walking through a crowd of ignorant people was the last thing I had time for, or even dared to give a fuck about. “Her ass, though!” I scrunched my nose in disgust, not bothering to reply with thank you. All of a sudden, I felt someone grab me on my forearm. I’m about the trip the fuck out, right here in this school. “Yo, what is wrong with you?!” I screamed to my assailant. Or should I say, assailants.

Three girls stood there with blank expressions, clearly unamused. What do they want? “What?” I groaned, snatching my arm from the blue-haired girls grip. “We need your help.” Help with what? I just got here and people are asking for favors. They pulled me into a bathroom, the one who I learned name was Bahja leaned against the door, keeping people from getting inside. “What is this? Some cult?” I furrowed my eyebrows, to their amusion. Did I say something funny? “No—look. We have this guy we all dated, and we’re trying to get him back, so—“ ‘I don’t get involved in petty situations. I hope you understand that.” I cut ‘Zonnique’ off, crossing my arms as I leaned against a nearby stool.

 “Haha, it’s not petty. It’s just that we want to have our revenge.” I could tell she was forcing herself to be nice to me. “Yeah, okay.” I sarcastically countered, attempting to walk out of the door. “We’ll pay you!” She screeched. Was this really that serious? “$500 if you go through with it. We’ll give you a makeover. Get him to fall in love with you and just—Just break his heart, and we’ll leave you alone.” What kind of sadistic plan was this?  I shrugged, as long as they left me alone and I got some money out of it. This Jaden kid sounded like an asshole anyway. “Fine. Deal, I guess.” I wrote my phone number onto a spare piece of paper and handed it to Zonnique. “Just call me or whatever so I can know when and how to do this.”

A/N: Liesa ain’t the one to fuck with. O_o This is only the FIRST CHAPTER. Imagine the drama that’ll go on within the time she has to deal with Jaden!  Oowee. Anyway, comment and vote, please, lovelies! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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