Red Among the Snow.

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Chapter Seventeen.

"So let me get this straight. You promised Kal that you'd take him to one of the most expensive restaurants in Tenquil, all because he came to work early." He nodded. "How much money do you have exactly?"

He quickly ran an estimation in hie head. "Probably... Seven gold coins?", he suggested.

Elendriel stared at him in disbelief. "You realise that a proper meal there would be at least a hundred and fifty gold?"

"A hundred and fifty. For one meal.", he repeated dumbfounded. Lana nodded, and fanned him a little. "You can work a week at the tavern if you'd like. A week's shift gives about a hunder silver, and w week here gives fifty gold. That's around a hundred gold.", she suggested, "And we could loan you the rest." Koray thought about it, and accepted the offer. "By when should I pay you back?", he added.

"Anytime. We're not picky.", she smiled. "Now, you can start at the tavern today, and take him to the restaurant next week. How does that sound?"

"Amazing. Thank you so much.", he expressed, full of gratitude. He almost knelt and touched their feet.

"Okay, since that's sorted, you can get back to work now.", said her fiancé, patting him on the back. He groaned, and stood up. "I know, I know.", he mumbled.

It was going to be a long week.


Surprisingly enough, the week passed faster than he had imagined. He stood in front of his employer, accepting the pouch of money graciously. He had worked his ass off, and he quite deserved the hundred silver and fifty gold.

The soon-to-be married couple had lent him some gold as well, and with his newly acquired riches, he rushed out of the store. They would be going to the restaurant tomorrow! He was more excited that he'd like to admit.

Koray raced home, giddy with enthusiasm. He couldn't help but giggle. Tomorrow would be the perfect day!

Or that's what he thought.

When tomorrow came, it was not as pleasant as he had assumed it would be. Turns out, a small blizzard had passed over Tenquil. The snow formed a white blanket over everything. It wasn't fatally deep, but it would be extremely cold outside. He groaned, dragging his palm down his face. Now what? The warmest piece of clothing he owned was a fleece, which he possibly couldn't wear to such a fancy place.

To add insult to injury, he had woken up late as well. He rummaged through his wadrobe, looking for something to wear.

He had decided on the outfit Opaline had made for him, but a single coat would definitely not be warm enough. He was sure one of the witches had gloves that would fit him, and he had socks, but he needed another layer on his torso. He slid down the ladder, and rushed to the witch downstairs.

"Morning.", Iris grumbled, sipping some sort of a beverage. "Yes yes, morning to you too. Do you have a scarf? A coat and gloves that would fit me?", he asked hurriedly, kneeling beside an open cabinet to pull out his boots.

She raised an eye brow. "I think I do. Why do you need them?"

"I'm going somewhere with a friend.", he explained quickly, grabbing his clothes and ducking into the bathhouse. "Could you place them outside the door? Thank you!", he called cheerfully from behind the doorframe.

The bathhouse was chilly, but as he turned on the hot water, steam rolled up from the water. He stepped into the bathtub one foot at a time and sighed. It was unbelievably relaxing. He reached over and dropped some of the lavender into the bath as well.

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