Midnight Melancholy.

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Chapter Sixteen

They sat around the table in awkward silence. Well, the catalyst of the awkwardness was mainly Iris, who kept giving dirty looks to Kallias. "I still don't get it. Koray is friends with this person?", she grumbled, spooning some soup into her mouth.

"I don't see the problem.", the deer bit back, stabbing an innocent potato with his fork. Opaline rolled her eyes. "Oh calm down, you two. Iris, that was quite rude. Could you please apologize?"

"But I'm not wrong! Koray coud do so much better.", she whined, but stopped when Opaline stared at her. "Fine. I'm sorry.", she said annoyed.

Meanwhile Kallias had remained silent, smiling to himself. "Thank you for defending me, Koray.", he said batting his eyelashes. Iris barked a laugh and then covered her mouth with a napkin. "Oh- Oh Hes-Hesperia-", she burst into laughter. "That was stupidly funny.", she managed to say between her giggles.

Opaline hinted a smile, as the mood lightened. "I'm glad we've made up.", he said, flashing her a smile.

"See, he's not that bad.", her wife joked, nuzzling her neck from behind. She turned around to meet her lips, and they kissed. "Argh! Not in front of Koray!", the elf yelped covering his eyes. "Hey! I'm not a child.", he protested, tugging at his fingers. "Besides they do this everyday! I'm used to it!" Yet his fingers did not budge.

"Alright, we're done.", the strawberry-blonde witch grinned, wiping her lips with her sleeve. "One more kiss.", her wife complained, but was shut up by a finger on her mouth. "Later.", she promised

"Oh Osborne. Not at the table, please.", their guest complained while looking up to the heavens. Meanwhile, Koray had finally freed his eyes from the elf's long fingers. "What's happening?", he gasped.

"My hosts are talking about unholy deeds at the dinner table.", he replied. He crossed his arms and stared as they made their way upstairs. "Thank god the floors are thick.", the deer sighed.

"Oh, are they? Shall we test if they're soundproof?", Kallias winked. He brushed him off, and downed a glass of water.

"First.", he raised a finger, "I'm getting out of these muddy clothes." "Does that mean we can find out later on?", he asked hopefully.

"I'll think about it."


They did not, in fact, test out the floors. As soon as the deer's head hit the pillow, he was fast asleep.

Kallias sat there on his bed, watching him sleep. It was creepy, he had to admit, but he couldn't seem to tear his eyes off of him. He looked so peaceful, so calm. His eyes drifted from his dark lashes to his lips. They were a soft pink. And they looked so soft. He brushed his knuckles over them.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, that Koray had no business with him. He didn't remember meeting him years and years ago. He wasn't the same happy child that he had met in Basakara, or the duty-bound shunjin who had shown him the lake. But still, he couldn't help but feel this way towards him.

The moonlight poured through the window, lighting up the room with a silver glint. Silver, like his hair. He rubbed a strand under his fingers. Light hair was considered lucky in Elvenheim. All the great rulers bore silver, or white hair. Yet, he was no leader. He was just Kallias, a man in love with another. He always found the nighttime comforting, especially during Neoma's fohse.

A soft rustling caught his ears. So quiet that it wouldn't have been audible to regular ears. He glanced at the source of the sound. It was... kartil leaves.

He got off the bed and knelt down. He saw his stamp on it. They were the very same he used to wrap the berries for Koray.

His heart leapt at the sight. Why had he kept it? Was he just curious? Or did he know? He almost laughed at the last thought. He had been so careful, that there was no way he could've figured it out.

Tucking them back from where he found it, he stood up and sat back down on the mattress. The light from the window illuminated his hair so much it seemed like it was glowing. He smiled softly, tucking a lock of it behind his ear.

He was always taught long hair, light eyes and soft voices were prettiest, but his mind had changed when he had seen Koray's short, untamable hair. Along with his soft smiles, his eager, hazel eyes that looked just like a pond and his loud musical laugh.

Kallias loved everything about him. What pained him the most was that he loved everything about him.

It was difficult, being in love with someone for nearly your entire life. It was stupid, too. But he had never loved anyone as much. He had tried, but the result was always the same. They left him with hatred in their hearts while his remained empty.

But now, he had him. And he wasn't going to let him leave him again.

He leaned down, the tips of his hair brushing his chest and he kissed his forehead.

"I'll be as patient as you need, little deer. With moon dust in my lungs, and stars in your eyes, I will wait."


Koray may have just had the best sleep of his life. No dreams or nightmares, just tons of rest. He woke up and yawned widely. Then, he stood and stretched his limbs. He brushed his hair, when a sudden rustling of sheets startled him. "Argh.", someone groaned from behind him, "Where did my pillow gooo?"

It was then, that he froze. It couldn't be... He must have been imagining it. But, when he turned around, a very real Kallias was his bed, rubbing his eyes.
"I hate the mornings. Gah.", he whined. When he saw where he was though, his eyes snapped open and he sat up immediately.

"Good morning.", he greeted as if he was programmed to, making him laugh. Once he controlled his laughter, he grinned and greeted him back. "Good morning to you too, though it doesn't seem like you're having one."

His cheeks went red, as he buried his face in the blanket. His words were muffled when he spoke, but they could be understood slightly. "I can't believe I used you as a pillow.", he complained.

"Was I comfortable?", he teased, fixing his shirt. He groaned again, and threw a pillow at him.

He laughed, making his way over to the guest and dragging him away from the bed. "Get ready. We have breakfast in ten minutes."


The two set off for work as soon as they had eaten their breakfast. At first, the elf protested against it, but in the end he was convinced. How had he managed to do it? Well, it certainly wasn't easy.

There was this restaurant Opaline had told him about, telling him that she often went there with her wife. It was known for the best food in town. He had promised Kallias that he would take him, but a slight issue had arisen.

He was, extremely, poor.

He didn't say that, of course. But now, he had to figure that out. While working. They reached the bakery in almost no time, and Kallias seemed in exceptionally high spirits. He waltzed through the door, and greeted both their coworkers with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Eugh!", was Elendriel's reaction, "Never do that again." Lana had just smiled, but also knitted her brow. "What's happened to him?", she whispered to Koray.

"I...may or may not have agreed to take him to a restaurant.", he mumbled sheepishly.

"Aw! That's so sweet of you! Which one?", she praised, patting his back.

He fiddled with the belt loops of his trousers. "Nafare's.", he muttered, tugging at his ring.

It was amusing to see how fast the smile fell from her face.


short one BUT GRRR I wanted to get this ch out asap ngl!!

fohse - cycle (not like a bicycle, but like the lunar cycle)

Hesperia- The Evening Star (b×b) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz