Book 3: "The Metal Clan"

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3rd Person POV:

In the late morning hours, Team Avatar was resting in a remote valley of the Earth Kingdom. After spending the night in the secluded mountain range, Lin was eager to get going while the rest of Team Avatar were content to stay put.

Korra was playing fetch with Naga, using her airbending to launch a beat up ball hundreds of yards away while Lin and Bolin watched.

On the other side of the anchored airship, Koza and Maska were asleep next to a river. The shadowbender and giant wolf were snuggled into each other, listening to the calming sound of the river. With the airship obscuring them from the rest of the group, they happily drifted off to sleep.

Asami was fixing her hair and makeup inside the airship while Mako was cleaning up from breakfast.

Lin: "While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals in the world are hunting you down. We need to get moving."

Korra: "Relax, we just got here last night. And besides, nobody knows where I am right now except us."

Naga finally returned and dropped the large drool covered ball at Lins feet, sitting down perfectly in front of the chief of police and wagging her tail.

Korra: "I think she wants you to throw it for her."

Lin: "I'll pass, thanks."

Before Korra could convince Lin to throw the ball, Asami and Mako emerged from the airship and rushed over to the group.

Asami: "We just got a call on the radio about a new airbender!"

Korra: "Awesome! Where are they?"

Mako: "I'm a city called Zaofu, home of the metal clan."

All eyes shifted to Lin, as she was the groups only metal bender. The chief of police shifted uncomfortably and had a slightly panicked look in her eyes.

Korra: "You know the place?"

Lin: "Uhh, no never been. But I don't want you going there. I'd rest a lot easier if you were back safe in Republic City."

Korra: "Sorry, but if there's an airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we're going next."

Asami: "I'll start up the engines. Where's Koza? He said he was going outside to meditate."

Korra and Lin both raised their eyebrows, knowing full well it'd been months since the shadowbender actually meditated.

Lin: "I'll find him."

It didn't take long for Lin to find her son. Once she arrived at his side she kicked his foot hard enough to wake him up.

Koza groaned as he opened his eyes, glaring up at his mother with slight annoyance as Maska began to stir.

Lin: "Strangest meditation I've ever seen."

The shadowbender rolled his eyes and sat up, allowing Maska to jump up and stretch out.

Lin: "Asami thought you were mediating, but I know you haven't done that for months."

Koza: "You'd be right. After Harmonic Convergence I'm content to never have a spiritual connection ever again. And as for this morning, I was simply tired and wanted some extra sleep."

Lin: "You wouldn't need extra sleep if you and Asami weren't up all night."

The shadowbenders face flushed red with embarrassment and he struggled to find his words.

Koza: "Hey, we didn't do anything!"

Lin: "Oh trust me I know, I may not be able to feel vibrations in the ground as well as my mother, but I'm still a Beifong. Now come on, we've found another airbender."

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