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Pinky promises cannot be kept

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Pinky promises cannot be kept.

Kagaya was pleased to hear that none of the passengers passed away that night. He knew when he sent you that Rengoku and the others would've fought until the end. Even if it costed your lives.

He was also aware that he didn't have much to live for, his clock was ticking and soon he would cross the other side. But he was content nonetheless, because everyone was giving their all as they fought with great will. He wished he could do the same, commanding the corps wasn't enough in his opinion. He wished he could've lent them a better help.

Alas he'll soon be gone, the illness is slowly overtaking his body. In a few days he won't even be able to move, that's what the doctor said.

He didn't regret much of his life, he lived a humble life. He tried to act as an equal to the others. He saw them all equally. All his children were the same ad him.

But you...

When he first got notice of your name a thrill of hope bloomed within him, something told him that you were essential to them. You would lead them to victory.

You'd defeat him. He knows.

Muzan will be defeated by your blade, you will put an end to his reign.

Kagaya exhaled and gazed upon the waterfall, his oldest daughter and his wife clinging onto his sides. He wished this would last forever.

He wished to live long enough to see you succeed and permit his children a brighter future.

He sighed.

Living a life seemed almost like a punishment. Why was his so harsh?

"Lord Muzan..." Akaza landed on the balcony and bowed before his lordship.

Muzan once again took over another form. A family took him in mistaking him for a kid. The couple that decided to take care of him has not been blessed with children so they treated him as their own. They felt all their worries wash away when he arrived. Although they were quite preoccupied with his skin disease. How foolish.

"Did you find what I seek?" Muzan closed the book he was reading and faced the uppermoon.

Akaza replied almost immediately. "I investigated, but there was no certain information. I also couldn't confirm its existence." He took a moment before crushing his master's hope "I did not find the blue spider lily"

Muzan faced the library again and sighed.


"I will continue searching to find the answers you seek. As you commanded I killed one of the hashira. All is well." Muzan turned his head to Akaza once again and raised his finger pointing straight at his face.

"Akaza...you seem to be under a misconception"

His gaze was fixed on the pained demon who was struggling not to cough out blood as he felt his cells crush under Muzan's control.

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