Going Home First

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Trigger Warning: This chapter refers to rape and sexual abuse:

Madeline's PoV:

Lieutenant Provenza, Lieutenant Flynn, Roderick and myself all walk out of my office building together, I made sure to keep the two folders in my hands and not to put them in my handbag as I don't trust cops as far as I could throw them, plus these two definitely didn't look like they could be trusted.

"Miss Usher, Mr Usher would you like to ride with us?" Lieutenant Provenza asks us.

"I prefer to take my own car gentleman," I inform them as there was no way I was going to be getting into a police car.

"Just you? your brother won't join us?" Lieutenant Flynn asks I guess he is not as stupid as he looks.

"I'm afraid not gentleman, we have a meeting today, Roderick can handle it by himself unless you need us both?" I ask knowing full well they did not really need us both.

"No, we don't need you both, however we might to talk to you at some point," Lieutenant Provenza informs us.

"Are you sure?" Roderick asked me, after giving Lieutenant a nod.

"Yes, am sure, one of us must be at that meeting," I tell him in a deflating tone of voice, he knew exactly how important this meeting was for us, giving me a smile that I know oh so well, Roderick leans closer into me.

"Go get your girl," Roderick whispers in my ear, then gives me a wink before walking in the direction of his car, once he climbs in and drives away, I turn my attention back to Lieutenant's Provenza and Flynn.

"gentleman, I must make a quick stop home first, I have something that made be of interest to you, then I will join you at Major Crimes," I tell them before walking towards my car, as I open my door, I look back at them, "Just make sure my Cinderella is there or you get nothing," Then I get into my car and head for home.

It does not take me long to drive home, all the way thinking about seeing my Cinderella again and whether I want a relationship with her or just a one-night stand? I decided to ask her for dinner and go from there.

Entering my home I headed straight for my home office, throwing my bag onto a nearby chair, I carefully take the painting off the wall, unlocking my hidden safe and taking out the small diary that have came into my possession two years ago, with the small diary in hand I go over to my desk and sit down, I re-read the diary that I hadn't read in two years, I mark the two pages of the diary, that I want my Cinderella to read, there is nothing more I hate in this world than a man thinking he could hurt, rape, hit and abuse a woman, my mother put up with it from her boss for many years, because that was how the world was back then and in some regards the world is still the same, even though the world has changed enough that women are able to be impositions of power and leaderships roles.

Once I'm done reading the diary, I place it inside my bag, before locking my safe and returning the painting back onto the wall, grabbing my bag as I leave my home office, I grab a bottle of water from the kitchen so that I have my own drink and they cannot get my fucking DNA without my knowledge.

Getting back into my car, I decided to take the long way to Major Crimes as I need time to think, because if I do hand over this diary, it might do more harm than good, but Kaylynn didn't deserved what happened to her, she does however deserve justice and my Cinderella might be able to get it for her.

Mare's PoV:

I set at my desk going through all the police reports and crime scene photos of Kaylynn Blake so called tragic accident, the first responders believed that Kaylynn had be drinking, but her tox screen came back negative, there was no witness statement, there was nothing wrong with the car, which means no tampering, and it got me thinking what if Archer used a drug that wouldn't show up in a standard tox screen? Unless you knew to look for it.

Madeline Please don't take my woman. Where stories live. Discover now