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TW: Blood ⚠️

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TW: Blood ⚠️

You were perched on the rooftop, your legs dangling over the edge. The city sprawled out below, a tapestry of twinkling lights and distant sounds. The night air was cool against your skin, and you relished the solitude.

Footsteps approached, soft but purposeful. You didn't need to turn around to know it was Izana. You had a connection that transcended mere sight. He settled beside you, his presence always comforting.

"How come you're here...?" His voice carried a hint of curiosity, a touch of vulnerability. You glanced at him, studying the contours of his face in the dim light.

You shrugged, not wanting to reveal too much. "Needed some space," you replied. "The chaos down there," you gestured vaguely toward the city, "it gets overwhelming sometimes."

Izana nodded, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. "I get it," he said softly. "Life can be a whirlwind. But up here," he swept his hand toward the sky, "it's different. Quieter."


The night air was thick with tension as you and Izana perched on the rooftop, your legs dangling over the edge. The city sprawled out below you both, a maze of neon lights and hidden secrets. Your heart raced, torn between the thrill of adventure and the weight of uncertainty.

"Where are we headed, Izana?" You asked, your voice barely audible above the distant hum of traffic. You traced the outline of the moon with your finger, feeling its cool glow against your skin. "Our dream was supposed to be different. We were going to change things, make a difference."

Izana leaned closer, his shoulder brushing against yours. His eyes held a mixture of determination and regret. "Dreams evolve," he murmured. "Sometimes they twist and turn, leading us down unexpected paths."

You frowned. "But this path... It's not what I had expected. We're getting involved in things we never thought we would."

He nodded solemnly. "Maybe we have drifted from our original goal...but our gang needs us. We can't turn away now."

You clenched your fists, torn between duty and desire. "I'm scared, Izana. Scared of what we might become."

His hand found yours, fingers intertwining. "We'll face it together," he whispered. "No matter what."
You and Izana were both staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, both of trying to read the other's eyes.

And then, in that fragile moment, your lips met. It was a kiss born of desperation, of longing, of unspoken feelings finally breaking free.

Your worries melted away as Izana's lips moved against your, a promise of warmth and solace.
You pulled back, breathless, your foreheads touching. "I've wanted to do that for so long," Izana confessed, his voice raw.

You smiled, tears blurring your vision. "Me too."
The kiss had revealed more than words ever could—the shared fears, the hopes, the love. As the city slept below you,

"Y/n...I love you..." Izana whispered

"I love you too, Zana..." You whispered back, more tears flowing down


The night enveloped you, cocooning you and Izana in a world of your own. The city's chaos faded into insignificance as Izana cradled you in his arms, your head resting against his chest. You sat together, silent yet connected, your heartbeats echoing each other.

The rooftop tiles were cool beneath you both, but Izana's warmth seeped through your clothes. His fingers traced patterns on your back, soothing and protective. You closed your eyes, savoring the intimacy of the moment—the way his breath stirred your hair, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat..



[Days Later]

The days blurred together for you and Izana, your bond deepening with each shared secret, each stolen kiss. But as the nights grew darker, so did the shadows that clung to your skin.

Izana noticed it first—the way your eyes lost focus. You'd sit in your room, your chair pulled close to the window, staring out at the moonlit city. Your injuries from fights healed at a snail's pace, leaving fresh bruises in their wake. It was as if your body resisted recovery, as if it were tethered to something beyond their understanding.

One evening, Izana found you asleep in that same chair, your face serene despite the turmoil within. He hesitated, then crossed the room and lifted you gently into his arms.

He carried you to his room, laying you down on the bed. The moon spilled through the curtains, casting a silver glow on your face. Izana knelt beside you, brushing a lock of hair from your forehead. "Y/n," he murmured, "what's happening to you?"

He traced the edge of a bruise on your arm, his touch gentle. "Your injuries—they're not healing properly.

But as he brushed his fingers over your bruises, he sensed there was more. Something hidden, something you hadn't told him. He hesitated, then lifted your sleeves, revealing more marks—their edges sharp, their colors vivid.

Izana got under the covers and pulled you close to his body, wrapping you in his arms. He pressed his lips against your forehead. He was worried.

Big time worried.



The rain fell in relentless sheets, a curtain of silver tears that blurred the world around them. You stood in the middle of the downpour, your clothes clinging to your skin, your eyes wide and lost. The pain etched on your face was raw, as if the heavens themselves wept for you

And then there was Izana, standing before you, crimson liquid seeping from the wound in his chest. His shirt clung to him, darkening with each heartbeat. He stared down at the bullet hole, disbelief and horror warring in his eyes. "W-why?" His voice cracked, the word torn from his throat. "Y/n, why?"

You didn't answer immediately. Warm tears mixed with rain, tracing paths down your cheeks. You had just fired the shot, and the world had shattered. The man you loved was bleeding out before you, and there was no going back.

"Izana," you whispered, her voice breaking. You rushed to him, catching him as he fell to his knees. His weight pressed against you, and you sank to the wet ground, cradling him in your arms. "I'm sorry," you choked out.

His gaze bore into yours, a storm of emotions swirling within. "Was someone hurting you?" His breaths came in ragged gasps. "All those injuries... Y/n..."

Izana's hand cupped your cheek, his touch gentle despite the pain. "Love," he murmured, "

He smiled, and it was a fragile thing—a beacon in the tempest. "I'm sorry for never realizing what you were going through," he said

"Please forgive me, Y/n..."

To be continued...

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