Theo Tyrell|20|

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(Marcellas dress and hair as well as her necklace daemon gave her)

(Marcellas dress and hair as well as her necklace daemon gave her)

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"It seems you overindulged in your wine, father," Marcella said, sending her father a knowing look as he panted and drank water

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"It seems you overindulged in your wine, father," Marcella said, sending her father a knowing look as he panted and drank water.

"Yes, yes, I know you told me so," he muttered, rolling his eyes and chuckling as she sat.

"How is Aegon?" he asked, making her smile tensely.

"If you paid more attention to him, you would know father," she commented tensely. She did not like to argue with her father; he was her hero, but she would not dismiss the way he ignored his own son.

"I know I just find it hard to be a father to him; he is not."

"Mother's son, yes, I know, but he is the son of your new wife. I hate her. She ignores and neglects her children and hates that I am their heir, but he is your son, the son you wanted for years." She cut him off.

"I know Marcella." He stressed

"What is it you wish to speak about, father?" she asked, not wishing to argue with him.

"Mason Tyrell made a proposal about his eldest son and heir, Theo Tyrell, and you, the princess and heir. He was respectful and smart about it. He wishes for you and his son to meet and speak, and then I will make my decision." Visery explained, making her nod.

"I have heard wonderful things about Theo Tyrell; I would be happy to meet him." Marcella agreed, making him smile, not knowing she truly didn't want to marry anyone except Daemon.

"When?" she asked.

"They will be here today, where you two may speak and get to know each other," he replied, making her smile before catching her on the table.

"Ser Vaemond wrote to you," she stated, gesturing to the letter, making him sigh.

"Yes, he is asking for help on the Step Stones; apparently they did not realize how big of a threat the Crab King is."

"Will you send it?" she asked, making him shrug.

"I am not sure what I can do, Marcella," he countered, making her shake her head.

"Send aid, father, as they are pleading with you to do." Marcella sat down to the obvious

"They went against me; their king started a war-"

"A war had begun, one you denied." She cut him off.

"It is my duty to keep the peace."

"I know, but peace will not always prevail first father".

"ya" he agreed

"Perhaps you can allow me to deal with this matter," she suggested, making him nod.

"Very well, go ahead," he allowed, knowing she could handle the matter better than he himself could.

"Any word from Daemon?" he asked as she grabbed a glass of water, making her freeze slightly before she downed the liquid.

"Marcella," he sighed at the lack of an answer, making her plop back and sigh.

"No, ok, all my letters have been received but not returned except one, for which he apologized for leaving without saying goodbye, and that was it."

"I know there is something between you and Daemon, and as much as I would like to be wrong, I know I am not. They always say absence makes the heart fonder."

"He is my uncle; we are close, father, that is all," she said, looking down and clutching her necklace.

"And yet you hold that necklace like it is the most precious item you possess; you look for him in every room, even when he is across the realm; you reread his letters that you keep; you protect and defend him."

"What is your point, father?" she asked, shrugging.

"I don't want to see you get your heart broken. Daemon is incapable of loving someone else in that way, and he is married, yet you-"

"Daemon is capable of loving his father that much, I know, and I am sorry if my affections disappoint you, which I am sure they do, but I cannot help how I feel. I have not once acted on it, and no matter how badly I wish to, I know you will never approve of Daemon and me," she started.


"I begged you to annul his marriage and let us be betrothed, but you told me no, and I have accepted that I have looked for a husband. I have been open-minded. I understand my duty to you and the realm. I will marry who you choose, and I will be faithful to him no matter what." Marcella interrupted him, standing up. It hurt her to know Daemon would never return her affection, let alone be hers.

"Marcella I do not aim to upset my dear, but I know that you still hope every day that he will show up out of the blue. I cannot marry you and him," he started before stopping himself from saying what he wished to say, hating the pain her blue eyes showed.

"You think he just wants the throne, don't you?" she asked, making him look down and letting her have her answer.

"I must get to my lessons, father; excuse me," was all she said before rushing out of the room, leaving him to himself.


"Your Grace," Mason and Theo Tyrell said, bowing to Viserys as he approached the two.

"Lord Mason, Ser Theo, it is wonderful to see you again and to finally meet you, Ser Theo. I have heard a lot about you; all good things, I assure you." Viserys said, making the young man smile.

"Thank you for your grace, and I am very thankful to be given the chance to meet the Princess and possibly unite our houses," Theo said, making the king nod at the man before the sound of heels on the stone caught their attention. They saw the Princess and Heir walking their way elegantly and gracefully.

"Ser Theo, I would like you to meet my daughter, Princess Marcella, my dear. This is Ser Theo Lord Mason's son and heir," Viserys said, introducing the two.

"It is an honor to meet you, Princess," Theo said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it as he bowed, making her smile and slightly blush. He was certainly attractive.

"The honor is mine, Ser Theo. It is lovely to meet you," she said softly as he let go of her hand, making her hand go to her necklace, which Viserys noticed as well as Theo, who could tell she valued that necklace very much.

"Perhaps you and I could go for a walk in the gardens and get to know each other," she suggested, making him nod.

"That would be lovely, shall we?" he said, offering her his arm slightly dramatically, making her laugh slightly, and taking his arm. The two set off towards the gardens as their fathers went up the stairs to watch over the two from the balcony.

"I will say they seemed taken with each other," Visery said as they watched the two walk into the gardens.

"Yes, they did seem quite taken with one another, your grace." Lord Tyrell agreed.

My Darling: Daemon TargaryenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon