20 Fact About Me

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1: My name is Clarissa, as you already know.

2: I have a Great Dane named Dexter.

3: I'm the tallest girl in my grade.

4: I'm the strongest girl in my grade.

5: I ride and show horses ( but mostly barrel race my horse, Misty )

6: My life is Transformers

7: My favorite animal is tigers because before my dad died he gave me tiger whiskers.

8: I hate math, socail studies, English, and science.

9: I love drawing.

10: I have several nicknames, they are Critter, Loud Mouth All Mighty, El diablo La Cara ( the devils face ), Jackass, and Dipshit.

11: My favorite food is banana foster yum.

12: I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters, including me.

13: I'm some what violent.

14: I'm the only person that keeps my aunt from crying all the time ( my dad was her brother and because he died she wants to cry all the time ).

15: I'm a great singer.

16: I fish and hunt.

17: I stand up for my friends in school.

18: I'm absolutely in love with Dean Winchester.

19: I love snakes ( I know odd, I'm a girl and I love snakes ).

20: My favorite song is When I Get Where I'm Going by Brad Paisley because it reminds me of my dad.

So that's most of the stuff about me and yes my dad died and I miss him very very much. I love you to Cybertron and back Daddy.<3

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