3. What is Dead May Never Die

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Craster tossed Jon inside his house, making him fall to the ground. "Out, all of you." Mormont and the Night's Watch stood in alarm. "Bastard's been meddling where he shouldn't!" Craster kicked Jon before approaching Mormont. "I want you and your men gone. And you will make this right."

Jon stood, spitting blood on the ground.

"Wait outside," Mormont told Jon.

"Lord Commander--" Jon started.

"Now!" Mormont commanded.

Jon sighed in frustration, marching outside.

Mormont stared back at Craster.


After speaking with Craster, Mormont walked outside to find Jon.

Jon was sitting down as Sam tended to his wounds.

Mormont approached them.

Jon pushed Sam's hand aside, standing.

"Lord Commander," Sam said.

"Leave us," Mormont told him.

Sam walked away, leaving them to talk alone.

"What did you do?" Mormont asked.

"I followed him," Jon answered. "He took the baby into the woods, the newborn."

"What business is that of yours?" Mormont questioned.

"No, you don't understand," Jon told him. "He's killing them, all the boys." Mormont didn't react. Jon looked at him in realization. "You know."

Mormont lowered his gaze, briefly. "The wildlings serve crueler Gods than you or I. Those boys are Craster's offerings."

"Offerings?" Jon repeated, incredulously. "He's murdering his own children. He's a monster."

"Aye, many a time that monster has been the difference between life and death for our rangers," Mormont expressed. "Your uncle, among them. We have other wars to fight out there. Like it or not, we need men like Craster."

"I . . ." Jon trailed off. "I saw it. I saw . . . something take that child."

"Yeah," Mormont said, softly. "Whatever it was, I daresay you'll see it again. Now, ready my horse. We leave at dawn." He handed Jon his sword. "Don't lose it again."

Mormont walked away, leaving Jon to ponder.


The following morning, Sam was loading the ravens into the back of a cart.

Gilly walked by, carrying a basket.

Sam approached her, discreetly. "Gilly."

"You're leaving," Gilly said as she gathered firewood.

"I--I wanted to give you something," Sam told her, taking a trinket out of his pocket. "It belonged to my mother."

"I can't take it," Gilly told him.

"Please," Sam said. "I want you to. My mother used it for sewing. She'd let me sit with her in her chamber while she sewed and I'd read to her. My father put a stop to it when he found out. It's the only thing I have of hers. She gave it to me before I left for the Wall."

Gilly looked at him. "You--you shouldn't give it away."

"I'm not giving it away," Sam expressed. "I'm giving it to you." He put the trinket in her hand. "Keep it safe for me. Till I come back."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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