The End To A New Beginning

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    During one of Scaramouche's explorations he ran into Thoma, the kind-hearted young man who had previously shown him the way to the Kamisato Estate. "Thoma, right?" Scaramouche asked, trying to make conversation. "Oh! Hello there!" Thoma replied with a warm smile. "How has my Lord been treating you?"

    Scaramouche shrugged nonchalantly. "Doesn't matter. I don't plan on staying too long." He turned to leave, but something made him stop in his tracks. "Wait. do the Kamisatos know any way of getting into Tenshukaku?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

   Thoma hesitated, crossing his arms as he mulled over the question. "Why do you need to get in there?" he asked cautiously. Scaramouche's cold demeanor softened slightly as he explained, "I just have questions I need answers to."

    A  smile tugged at Thoma's lips as he chuckled at Scaramouche's response. "Well, I suppose one of them could... although I do know someone who certainly would be able to. Sara, in particular, is quite well acquainted with the Raiden family," he suggested.

    "Alright, where can I find this.... Sara?" Scaramouche inquired, his interest piqued. Thoma directed him to the Tenryou Commission headquarters, where Sara could often be found attending to her duties.

    With newfound determination, Scaramouche set off towards the headquarters, eager to seek out Sara and unravel the mysteries that lay hidden within Tenshukaku. As he made his way through the bustling streets of Inazuma, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of his surroundings. The architecture, the customs, the people - everything seemed to tell a story, and Scaramouche was determined to uncover the truth buried beneath the surface.

    Upon reaching the Tenryou Commission headquarters, Scaramouche was greeted by a flurry of activity. Officers bustled about, attending to their duties with precision and efficiency. Spotting Sara among the crowd, he approached her with a polite bow.

    "Sara, I presume?" Scaramouche greeted her respectfully. Sara turned to him, a curious expression in her eyes. "And who might you be?" she inquired, her tone tinged with a hint of suspicion.

    "I am Scaramouche, a traveler in search of answers," he replied, trying to sound as sincere as possible. Sara studied him for a moment before nodding in understanding. "What is it that you seek?"

    Scaramouche wasted no time in getting to the point. "The idea is to get into Tenshukaku and speak the the Raiden Shogun herself. Can you help me?" he asked earnestly. Sara's expression softened, and she beckoned him to follow her to a quieter corner of the headquarters.

    Sara offered him a small piece of parchment. "This will get you through the entrance. It sort of hides your presence from the Shogun... making sure she won't be able to strike you down."

    Scaramouche looks down at the parchment. He hesitates to grab it but does. "Thank you, Sara, I'm grateful.". If only she had known what she was doing. 

    Scaramouche bows politely before turning on his heel. "You won't regret this." He says as he looks at her from over his shoulder. The aura coming off of Scaramouche makes the hairs on Sara's arm stand. She gulps.. beginning to regret handing the parchment over to him.

    "What do you really want from her?" She says as she step forward, holding her bow as if she were ready to fight.

    "As I said, I just want to speak with her. Nothing more, nothing less." He replies to the general as he fixes his hat that sits atop his head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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