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(After a month of Grieving of the lost of Cosmo bowser sat watching TV)

Bowser:(sigh) there's nothing good on Nicole you think you can Hijack G.U.N TV shows

Nicole:I can try

Bowser:thank you

Nicole:I miss her too Bowser she was my friend too

Bowser:I know I just hope that she looking over us

Nicole:I know she is and Besides, what's the worst that can happen to? Day.

Nikolas:(kicks open the door) BOSS THERE DEMONS FROM HELL OUTSIDE

Bowser:what? (Looks at the G.U.N news to see G.U.N city being attacked by demons)well fuck there's goes today come on let's go guys


Bowser:to save the city ... so we can Conquer it.

Nikolas:There you are boss good old Hostile take over

Nicole:yeah seems about right so should we tell sonic and friends about this or at least call Eggman

Bowser:nah And besides, I think there already there so let go kick some demon ass

Nikolas and Nicole:HELL YEAH

(And so our heros go off on another adventure unknown to them that they will have a helluva fight ahead of them)

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