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Vaiga's pov!

"Vaiga, wake up.." I heard someone calling me and it felt as if the voice was coming from some cave.

The sound of my name being called echoed in my ears, dragging me out of the depths of unconsciousness. It felt as though I was emerging from the depths of a murky cave, the voices around me distant and muffled.

I felt the water being sprinkled on my face and slowly opened my eyes. I squinted when I felt the bright light piercing through my eyes.

"Vaiga.." Someone shook me and I opened my eyes and I was shocked to see a frustrated man standing in front of me. He cursed and turned away.

"Vaiga..." The voice came again, accompanied by a frustrated tone, and I struggled to focus my gaze on the figure standing before me.

My heart skipped a beat when I recognized the face of Dev ji, his expression contorted with irritation. He cursed under his breath before turning away, leaving me bewildered and disoriented.

As my senses gradually returned, I became aware of a chilling sensation creeping over me. Glancing down, I noticed that the pallu of my saree had slipped off my body, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

With trembling hands, I hastily pulled it back into place, the memory of a similar incident flooding my mind like a tidal wave.

It was the same feeling of helplessness, the same sense of betrayal that had engulfed me on that fateful day when Durga Devi, my former mother in law had orchestrated her cruel scheme to tarnish my reputation and ruin my marriage.

I shuddered at the recollection, my heart heavy with the anguish of past wounds reopened.

Before I could dwell any further on the painful memories of the past, I felt a firm hand shaking me, pulling me back to the present. Startled, I looked up to see Dev ji's face, his features etched with frustration and concern.

"Where the bl*ody hell are you lost? Do you understand what predicament we are in?" His words cut through the fog of my thoughts, jolting me back to reality. I stared at him in shock, the events of the previous night flooding back to me in a rush of fear and confusion.

"Vaiga.." Dev ji shook me again.

"I was going to the room. Someone grabbed me and placed something over my nose. I felt weak after inhaling that. Then he injected something into me. I don't remember anything after that. What's happening here?" My voice trembled with anxiety as I recollected the happenings of last night, my mind reeling with unanswered questions.

Dev ji took a deep breath, his expression grave as he briefed me on the events that had transpired while I was unconscious. His words sent a shiver down my spine, filling me with a sense of dread as I realised the gravity of our situation.

"This was a trap for me, Vaiga. And you became collateral damage. There are police and paparazzi outside. Shravan and Mithran must be stalling them from breaking in saying some property rules and all. I don't think they will be able to hold on for too much time." Dev ji said as calmly as he could.

"How do we escape from here?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I really don't want to do this. But my hands are tied down. If it were only me, I would have managed somehow, but your reputation and character will be questioned, Vaiga. And that is what my parents are worried about. So, they suggested we do this.." Dev ji said and I looked at him in incomprehension.

"Do what?" I asked curiously.

He took something out from the small pouch he had in his hands.

"Wear it. The knocking is getting too much. They might break in at any moment. " His voice was tense, his eyes darting towards the door in apprehension.

I stared at the mangalsutra he placed in my palm, my heart constricting with a wave of bittersweet nostalgia.

Shiva's face flashed before my eyes, his warm smile etched into my memory as he had tied the nuptial chain around my neck on our wedding day. A day I believed all my dreams came true. Only for them to crumble like a sand castle.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered the happiness we had shared, the dreams we had woven together. Everything vanished the moment he mistrusted me. He didn't believe in my love. He believed that I was capable of cheating on him. How could he?

"Damn!" I heard Dev ji cursing under his breath as he stared at the door. The sound of the door sensor alerted us to the imminent threat.

With a sense of urgency, Dev ji snatched the mangalsutra from my hand and quickly looped it around my neck, his movements swift and decisive.

As the weight of the mangalsutra settled around my neck, my mind went blank.

As the door swung open, a flood of police officers and paparazzi surged into the room, their presence overwhelming and suffocating. Cameras flashed relentlessly, capturing every moment of our distress, while the harsh glare of spotlights illuminated the chaos that surrounded us.

Panic coursed through my veins as I found myself thrust into the midst of the commotion, my heart hammering in my chest as I struggled to handle this.

In a swift and protective move, Dev ji's arms enveloped me, pulling me close and shielding me from the intrusive gaze of the media. His chest became my sanctuary, a haven of safety amidst the storm of flashing lights and probing lenses. I buried my face against him, seeking refuge from the harsh scrutiny of the outside world as the chaos unfolded around us.

Amidst the frenzy, the voices of the police officers cut through the clamour.

"This is immoral traffic. We have received information," one of them declared, their words laden with judgement and condemnation.

"How does staying in a room with my wife become immoral traffic?" Dev ji's booming voice echoed across the walls of the room, leaving everyone startled, including me..

My wife! Those words echoed in my head again and again..


Here goes the next shot..

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