☆| - Interrogation - |☆

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It was a normal day at NCIS. So far Ziva was the only one who had finished her paperwork. Ziva being Ziva David, Daughter of Eli David, Director of Mossad.

"Done," Timothy McGee said, dramatically closing the file on his desk. And then standing up and moving towards Ziva's desk.

Anthony DiNozzo who was sitting to his left gave him a side eye. "I still have 2 piles left, it's not fair"

"It is fair Tony, you spend your time not focusing, while we do" Ziva says as she also stands, moving next to Tim.

Tims, whose focus was elsewhere, said, "Boss". Ziva and Tony's head snap in the direction which Tim's is currently facing.

"We got a perimeter breach" Gibbs says, walking to stand in between Tony, Ziva and Tim.

Tony instantly stands up to grab his gear, but is stopped when he hears.

"Tim, Ziva go and check it out"

"What about me?" Tony says

"You will finish your paperwork, if it's anything major then we will call you" Gibbs says as he walks towards the elevator.

Tony accepts defeat, sits down, opens the file and picks up a pen.


Turns out it wasn't nothing. Once Tim and Ziva went to where the alarm sounded, they found a black car. As they walked nearer, they drew their guns.

They walked around to where the hood was popped up.

"NCIS, put your hands down slowly"

When they round the corner, they find a tall african man wearing sunglasses and a thin tall guy, huddled around the engine. They both put their hands up quickly.

The African man was the first to speak. "We are Federal Agents, FBI"

"If you are, then where are your credentials?" Tim strongly asked

"The thing is, we lost them" The tall skinny one says.

"And you expect us to believe that?" Ziva asks

The 2 were silent. Until the African one spoke again, "Can we borrow your phone to call our supervisor?"

"Why do you need our phones? Where are yours?" Tim asks again

"We lost them too" The skinny one admits.

"We should take them back to base" Ziva says, pulling out her hand cuffs.


Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid sat in the cold, dark interrogation room, this day had gone from bad to worse.

They had gone on an interview of a prisoner before his execution, but the prisoner was completely uncooperative. He had been executed hours before. They left straight after, and as soon as they got on the road, their car broke down.

It had broken down in practically the middle of nowhere, and it was pouring down. When they tried to call someone, there was no signal. So they got out of the car, and the phones got soaked and wouldn't work.

After hours, they flagged down a person driving by and managed to get to them to call a pick up truck. While their car was getting fixed they lost their credentials.

After that since Morgan doesn't like maps, they managed to get even further lost. While they were driving the car broke down again, and then they got arrested.

And now they are in a cold, dark interrogation room.


Emily Prentiss sat at her desk in the bullpen of the behaviour analysis unit. It had been a quite day so far, but that was probably since Reid and Morgan were both out. JJHarchRossiand Garcia wore all in their offices, leaving Emily alone to work.She had finished her work half an hour ago and was now spending her time doing Morgan's work.Then suddenly behind her the door opened and walked in through Penelope Garcia

"Are they back yet?" she shouted.

"No, I haven't seen them" Emily said in response, then looked at the watch on her wrist. "They should have been back by now, I'll check with Hotch if they have sent a message"

Together they walked up to the office, but soon found out that Hotch didn't know either. Garcia then when on to trace the GPS of the car.

"It was last by the port" She said.

The 5 of them were huddled up in Hotch's office. Then suddenly it clicked for Emily.

"The port by the Navy Yard?" Emily said

"How did you know?" Garcia asked.

"I know where they are," Emily sighed.


Hotch, Emily and Rossi had got into the car to go to the Navy Yard. Rossi leaned forward from the back seat, to poke his head in the middle of the front 2 seats.

"How exactly do you know where they are?" Hotch asks.

"You'll see" She says shortly

"The Navy Yard is where the NCIS headquarters are" Rossi points out.

"I know" Emily says.


Gibbs was questioning one of his suspects when McGee walks in.

"Rule number 22" is all he says.

Of course they all knew what that was, Never interrupt Gibbs in an interrogation.

"I know, but it's important, there is someone at the front desk asking for you"

Gibbs gets up immediately.


Emily, Hotch and Rossi wait at the front desk.

"And who are we waiting for?" Rossi asks

"A person" She says.

"Does this person have Morgan and Reid?" Hotch asks

Before Emily could respond there was a shout from the elevator.


They look to see a man with silver hair, standing there.

"You have something you shouldn't" Emily says walking towards him.

"Well maybe I was just wanting to see you again" Gibbs says, pulling her into a hug. And then leading the 3 of them into the elevator "So who do you want to get first?"


"So that's up" The silver-haired man says, pressing the button.

"Where's Morgan?" Rossi asks

"Downstairs" Gibbs says

"They aren't together-" Hotch's question cuts of when Emily says, "Rule number 1"

They exit the elevator, and Emily immediately sees Tony and Tim. "Where's Ziva?"

"Having a go at Morgan, I'll send you the recording" Gibbs says, smirking.

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