What Happened At Driftmark

Start from the beginning

"it is a shame my prince we used to talk every day in the red keep but since Mother took us away to Dragonstone I so rarely get a chance to see you, I wish I could send ravens to you but Mother doesn't like our sides of the family to chat"

Aegon's friendly smile slowly turned into a slightly angry face, he just couldn't help but be furious, the damn girl's mother was ruining his fun with her daughter. "Why? Why on earth does your mother not like us talking to her? It is not our fault that she loves the Velaryons more than her own blood!"

Said Aegon with his voice slightly raised, his fists clenched, He just wanted to talk to Y/n and that woman just couldn't let him.

"I suppose the greens and blacks are two sides building walls"

"The feud is stupid," Aegon said as he slowly started to calm down, Aegon sighed as he looked at Y/n with sadness and a little annoyance. "I just wanted to catch up with my niece.... It's a shame my half-sister doesn't let me..."

"It is a shame... If I may be so bold my prince, I do miss you"

Aegon smiled lightly as he heard this, he gently placed his other hand on top of Y/n's, and Aegon's face started to turn into a cheeky and slightly naughty smile, he just couldn't help it. "I miss you too.... More than you could imagine, I think about you every day, even more now that I see you again."

"as so I, my prince"

"Then, could you do me a favour?" Asked Aegon with his friendly and slightly seductive little smile on his face, Aegon just wanted to spend time with his niece and to have some fun with her, what could go wrong?

"what is it, my prince?" She asked sweetly

The more she was nice, the more Aegon's smile grew, his hand that was intertwined with hers gave Y/n's a little squeeze. "Can you come with me to my room?... I just want to talk a little, catch up on how you've been doing and so on."

she nodded and allowed him to lead her to the chamber he was staying in for the stay at Driftmark

When they both were inside, locked and alone, Aegon wasted no time in pinning Y/n against the wall, his body pushed against hers, his hands firmly against the wall on both sides of Y/n.

"Finally... Alone with you... It's just you and me..." He said with a cheeky smile and in a seductive voice as he stared into her eyes.

she yelped in shock as him suddenly pinned her to the wall of the chamber her chest rising and falling fast "Aegon-" she gasped in surprise

The prince chuckled and gently grabbed Y/n's chin with one of his hands and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Shhhhh.... This is my moment to finally get what I want..." Aegon said while caressing her cheek, his hand gently going down from her face down to her neck, and then to the top of her dress.

she turned bright red at his kiss to her lips, her body trembling in her gown "are uhh are you sure my prince?" She stuttered

"My pretty niece... I've never been so sure of anything before..." He whispered in a seductive and lustful voice as his hand slightly pulled her dress down, his face getting closer and closer to her neck, he gave her a long, very slow and gentle kiss. "I want you and you know it..." Aegon added in a whisper against her skin, his body pressed against hers so she could feel his hardened erection against her.

she gasped at the touch of his hands and his lips, her eyes go wide when she feels his erection against her through their clothes "Aegon... My prince...we... We are not the children we once were, as we could lie our way out of our time together,"

Aegon let his hand go to her behind now, giving it a little grab in a teasing manner, he was getting lost in the moment, he was so horny he couldn't think straight. "It's only you and me here, no one else.... we are safe, no one will know..." Aegon whispered as he began kissing her neck, his hands grabbed her even more, his grip on her becoming possessive.

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