Harry reads to her, and she was asleep within minutes

"Night Kenzie" Harry says as he tucks her in for the night and gives her a goodnight kiss

Harry sees Louis

"The baby asleep?" Harry asks Louis

"Yeah, just put her down" Louis says as he closes the door to the nursery, and him and Harry go and check on Niall

"Hey, Niall, how are you doing buddy?" Louis asks as he comes into his room

"Not good I feel like a horrible father for not taking care of the girls" Niall says as he sits up in his bed cause his friends were taking care of the girls for him cause he was sick

"Me and Louis are going to take care of you buddy as well as the girls that is what friends are for" Harry says as he feels Niall's forehead to see if he had a temperature

Niall felt warm, so Harry took his temperature to see how warm Niall was

"How are you feeling otherwise?" Louis asks him as Harry got the thermometer ready

"Like crap" Niall says as Harry puts the thermometer in Niall's mouth

Harry called the doctor to see if he could come over to check on Niall


"Niall has a chest infection and needs to be in bed for a few days to recover" the doctor says after he came out of Niall's bedroom

"How will he take care of his girls?" Louis asks as he holds the baby in his arms cause she woke up from her slumber and she wanted daddy

"I suggest having family and friends come to help him with the girls, and keep the girls away from him as much as possible cause they could catch it" the doctor tells Louis and Harry as he closes the door cause Niall was fast asleep

"How long will he be like this?" Harry asks as Louis heads for the guest room with the baby in his arms

"Not long but he needs to stay in bed for a day or two to recover and get his strength back" the doctor tells the two as he leaves the house

Harry decided to turn in as well cause he was going to be up with Lizzy since she was still a newborn a little bit, and she needed to eat in two hours, so she could continue to grow and develop

(Next day)

"Harry, you awake?" Louis asks him

"Yeah" Harry says as he wakes up cause they had to take care of the girls since Niall was still in bed sleeping cause the doctor gave him some medicine to help knock it out of his system, so he could get back to normal and get ready to go on the American tour which starts in a couple of days

Louis decided to tend to the girls while Harry saw Niall that morning

"Hey Niall" Harry says as he enters his room to see how he was feeling that morning

"Hey" Niall says as he coughs that morning as he gets out of bed slowly cause he knew he had to take care of the girls

"Stay in bed me and Louis have the girls today and until you are better" Harry says as he comes in to take Niall's cup downstairs to be washed that morning

"Thank guys" Niall says as he goes back to bed and goes to sleep

"Would you like anything to eat this morning buddy?" Harry asks him

"Yeah, I would that would be nice" Niall says as he continues to sleep cause he was drowsy from the medicine that he took to help his infection

"Okay I'll bring it up, so you can have your strength back" Harry says as he leaves his friend to make breakfast

"Uncle Louis can i say good morning to daddy please?" Kenzie asks him after she got up that morning

"You can, but you got to do it outside the door cause daddy is sick and he doesn't want you and your sister to get sick" Louis says to her as they got ready to go downstairs that morning to have breakfast that Harry had made for them

Kenzie understood and she didn't want to get sick either, so she was going to make daddy feel better the best that she could

"Morning daddy" she says outside his door that morning

"Morning Kenzie I want you to behave yourself for Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis while daddy is getting better" Niall says to her in his sleep

"Okay daddy" Kenzie says to him as she goes down for breakfast that morning so she could eat for them

"Niall someone wants to see you" Louis says as he brings Lizzy in cause he knew that Lizzy won't rest until she saw daddy

Niall puts on a mask that the doctor gave him just in case Lizzy wanted daddy really bad

"Hey little bug" Niall says as he holds his daughter in his arms

Lizzy settled down after a while cause she knew she was with daddy

"Lizzy, I want you to behave for Uncle Louis and Harry while daddy is getting better" Niall says to her

"Niall, she doesn't understand quite yet, and this is scary for her like it is with Kenzie" Louis says to him

"I know I will only take care of her only if you guys tried everything and she isn't settling down for you guys" Niall says as he plays with Lizzy that morning for a little bit since she was all smiles for daddy that morning

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