Happy 14th Birthday!

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Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sunshine, happy birthday to youuu! 

I hope you have an amazing day today because you deserve to have an amazing day :) 

Sorry that my handwriting looked bad in your card :/ I promise next time I give you a card I'll write neatly! :P 

Anyway remember to smile loads today and if someone ruins your day tell me and I swear this year I will buy you a machine gun (I'll buy one too) and we can go kill those people because they have no right to ruin your special day! >:3 

Oh and save me some cake :D because like I bet your cake is going to be yummy af... e_e AND I LOVE FOOD AND CAKE IS FOOD AND YUM SO YES :3

Woo you made it through 14 years already oh don't you dare look back :o And if you think you're getting old just shut up and dance with me because let me tell you that, with every passing year, you're becoming the wisest and best-looking friend that I have ever known! 

May you continue to put out the very best in your life! :D 

Hope you have an awesome fun filled day, love you loads! Thank you for always being there for me :) 


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