𑁍𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘀~𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗧𝘄𝗼𑁍

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A/N~This was requested by babytomatoes2003, I hope you and everyone else likes it.

TW~Nightmare and panic attack.

Nick's POV

I woke up to my little sister, Y/N, screaming at the top of her lungs. I rushed into her room to find her curled up in a ball, her face contorted in fear. I sat down beside her on the bed, trying to calm her down.

Since she was kidnapped around a week ago, and she still gets constant nightmares and panic attacks of her going through the traumatic events again. We try to support her as best we can, but sometimes we can't even wake her up, it's scary.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay, I'm here," I said softly. "You're safe."


I shot up in bed, my heart racing and my sheets soaked with sweat. It wasn't until I saw Nick's worried face hovering over mine that I realized I was having a nightmare. He sat down on the edge of my bed, his eyes filled with concern.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay. I'm here. You're safe." he said softly.

I crawled into his lap, still crying and struggling to breathe. Nick wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

I looked up at Nick, my eyes still wide with terror. "N-Nick...it was so real," I stammered.

He kept his arms wrapped around me, holding me close. "Shh, it was just a bad dream. You're safe now."

Chris and Matt came into the room, Matt crouching down in front of me.

"Hey, sis, take some deep breaths with me," Matt said, his voice calm and soothing.

But I couldn't. My breathing was getting worse, and I was getting more and more panicked. I faced back into Nick, crying even harder.

But I shook head, my tears falling faster now. "I can't...it's too hard..."

Matt put his hand on my knee. "You can do it, Y/N. Just breathe with me."

But my breathing only got worse, my body trembling with fear. My brothers tried to comfort me, but I was too far gone.

Chris came over and started rubbing my back. "It's okay, Y/N. We're here. We're not going anywhere," he said.

He handed me my favorite stuffed animal, a wolf named Wolfie, I clutched it tightly to my chest, feeling a little better as I inhaled deeply through my nose and exhaled slowly through my mouth.

Nick continued to hold me close, his warmth and comfort washing over me. "You're safe, Y/N. We're here for you," he whispered.

After a few minutes, my breathing began to slow and my tears started to dry up. I looked up at my brothers with glossy and tired eyes.

"Sorry," I whispered.

Nick smiled and hugged me tight. "There's nothing to be sorry for. You're safe now."

Matt got up and sat down beside us, putting his arm around Nick's shoulders. "We love you, sis," he said.

Chris leaned in and gave me a hug. "We'll always protect you. You're our little sister."

As they held me, their words of comfort seemed to help my breathing return to normal, and I felt like I could finally relax.

But as we sat there, I realised that I didn't want to sleep anymore. The thought of going back to bed and possibly having another nightmare made me anxious.

"Hey, guys?" I said, still sniffling.

"Yeah?" Nick replied.

"Can we watch a movie instead of going back to bed?" I asked.

The boys looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah, we can do that," Chris said.

So we got up and headed downstairs to the living room. We picked out a movie – an old favorite of mine – and settled in for a cozy night on the couch.

As we watched the movie, I started to feel sleepy again. But this time, it was a good kind of sleepy. The kind of tiredness that comes from being surrounded by people you love and feeling safe.

I snuggled up between Nick and Matt on the couch, Wolfie still clutched in my hand. Chris sat on the other side of us, passing popcorn to Nick which we shared.

As the movie ended and we got ready for bed again, I realised that even though I'd had a bad nightmare, it was okay. Because I had my brothers to take care of me, to comfort me when I was scared.

𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗢𝗻𝗲Where stories live. Discover now