'Jealousy, Jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo'

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**Monday 29th of March**

Grace's pov

I wake up early for mine and Lando's flight to Jeddah, I've already packed my bags so I only have to make myself ready and check in on Lando. I do my travel make-up and change into a comfortable outfit for the day. I grab my backpack and suitcase after checking if I have everything.

I walk over to Lando's room, I knock and don't get a reaction. I knock again, still no reaction. 'That's weird' I think to myself and decide to call him. "Hello?" I hear a sleepy voice on the other side of the line. "Hey, I'm infront of your hotelroom." I say, "oh shit" I hear Lando say under his breath.

"Wait where are you? I know you're not in your room" I ask him putting the pieces together now. "Uhm I'm coming wait a second." Lan says and hangs up the phone. What a dumbass, I know damn well he was staying with Ems last night.

It takes him anther 25 minutes to finally come on our floor. His hair is the first thing I see, because it's too perfect. "Morning, you're looks good today" I say with a grin as Lan opens his hotelroom.

"thanks" He says and grabs some clothes to change into and walks to the bathroom. "Lan your hair looks a little too good today, almost perfect" I say again with a grin. Lan turns red, "It's almost as if Emma did it, you know because of how perfect it is." I say chuckling at his face.

"Shut up" Lan mumbles as he packs his ast stuff. He checks his room one more time and we make our way to the elevator to go downstairs. "So what did you and Emma do?" I ask him seeing him turn redder and redder when I mention Emma's name.

"Grace can you just shut the fuck u-" He can't finish his sentence because the elevator doors open on Emma's floor. And who steps into the elevator? Emma. I grin, "Hey guys" Ems says as she gets in. "Hey Ems" I say. "Hey" Lan says with a smile on his face.

When we get out of the elevator I pull Em aside, "Okay what did you and Lan do yesterday evening or this morning?" I ask her, Em blushes and says. "We almost kissed". "What! NO WAY!" I say and we start jumping around squealing in excitement.

"So what happened?" I ask Ems stopping our jumping, "Well when we woke up we stared in each others eyes and almost kissed but my brother called. And then while I was fixing his hair he was looking at me and then we almost kissed again but you called!" Ems says with the biggest smile on her face.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" I say laughing, "nah don't worry about it!" She says and we walk to our brothers who are talking about the upcoming weekend. "I hope they fix your brake problem mate" My brother says, "Yeah me too" Max says as he puts an arm around Ems shoulder.

"We have to go Grace" My brother says as he looks at his watch. "Yeah you're right" I say and we hug Max and Emma goodbye. When we're in the cab I suddenly get alot of notifactions from whatsapp.


The coolest chat of the grid

**You have been added to 'the coolest chat of the grid'**

**Ems<3 has been added to 'the coolest chat of the grid' by most annoying brother**


Ems<3: Hi?

Max V: Hellooooooo

Seb: Hello children!

Kimi: Bwoah

Most annoying brother: Heyyyyy

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