Going Home

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The first time I woke up I could see all sorts of tubes and wires hooked up to me and I felt paralyzed.
"Don't change anything on her and only get rid of the scars that are from the games," I could hear someone grunting out before I felt cool liquid going into my veins that caused me to feel sleepy and go back to sleep.

The second time I woke up there was less tubes hooked up to me and I could move my hands along with the rest of my body. I also could hear a heart monitor. Shortly after waking up though I felt that the same cool liquid and was back  asleep in minutes again.

This last time I woke up all the tubes and the heart monitor were gone and I could fully move around. I pulled myself up into a sitting position and looked around the room. Everything was white the walls, the floor, even the bed I laid on was white.
"You're finally awake," a voice exclaimed as they walked in to the room. I caught sight of Euphemia walking towards me in a gold dress, gold wig, and gold makeup.
"How long have I been out," I asked as I tried to stand up.
"You've only been out for a day dear let's get you to your prep team and on stage with Caesar then it's the crowning ceremony afterwards and finally tomorrow morning you have your one on one interview with Caesar afterwards we'll be on the train back home," Euphemia said as she helped me walk, "I'll be with you for another two weeks while we get you and your family settled into your new home."
"Will there be cameras," I asked as we came up on a door.
"Yes but only for the first week," Euphemia said reaching for the door, "then you'll have six months away from the camera then your victory tour after that another six months and it'll be reaping time again." Once the door was opened I heard to really girl squeals that let me know it was my prep team.
Once I was in the room the girls stripped me and laid me down to wax my body before throwing me into the bath. At some point Euphemia brought me my folder of drawings I've done to turn into tattoos. While Demia was working on my hair Martiana was trying to determine how to do my nails when someone walked in without knocking making us look at the door.
"President Snow," I exclaimed as I pulled my robe tighter against my body and watched as he walked over to my folder.
"These are all pretty and very talented," President Snow said as he looked at them all.
"Thank you I was hoping I can make them into tattoos to represent the people who have had a big impact on my life if that's okay with you of course," I said as Snow read the names on each tattoo.
"I'm fine with that you have plenty of time before you go on with Caesar if your Prep team gets started right now," Snow causing Rosania and Martiana to squeal in delight rushing over to take the pictures from Snow and getting it all set up in the places that I wanted them to be in.
"It'll take twenty minutes for it to be set so we'll be back," Rosania said as the three walked out of the room leaving me with Snow.

Front of left forearm represents baby sister Alexandria

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Front of left forearm represents baby sister Alexandria

Front of left forearm represents baby sister Alexandria

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