Chapter 5. Gathering & Conflicts.

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Eleanor's POV ~~

We finally made it to Kyle's parents' get-together party. Of course, if I had known there would be a lot of people, I wouldn't have come. "Sure is a lot of people," I said, as Vickie stood next to me. "They do this every year. It's to celebrate the next oldest child of Kyle's family. This year, it's Kyle's turn to be celebrated into the family, formally, plus he's gonna ask his girlfriend to marry him," Vickie says.

"But isn't he already part of the family? From birth?" I asked, "people like to celebrate about odd things, this is just part of their culture. Even if they're born into the family, it's like a second birthday celebration, kinda like an upcoming age ceremony," Vickie says.

"How big of a family does he have?" I asked while taking a sip of the wine in my hand, "Oh, he has four big brothers and a little sister after him, and his family lives pretty worldwide, they live all over and own amazing companies," she says. "So, his family is loaded?" I asked.

"Pretty much, but he doesn't like to brag about it. He likes to keep it a secret from others," says Vickie. "What about you? Where's your family?" She asks, "Oh, uhh, they passed away a fee months ago, they got into a terrible car incident, I had to stay home with my grandmother because I was sick, and they wanted to go camping for a weekend, when they were coming back, a drunk truck driver lost control and swerved in on them," I said as I looked down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," she says. "It's okay, they're in a better place, I suppose," i said as I looked back at her and smiled. She smiled back and gave me a hug,"Well, we can be your new family," she says, I smiled and said," Thank you, that means a lot."

"Good evening, everyone! I'd like to get started on with the ceremony, please!" Says the man on stage who's holding a champagne in his left hand and a mic in his right. Now, everyone was silent and listening to him.

"Kyle Green, please come up on the stage," says the man, Kyle immediately gets on the stage, and as he stands beside the man, the man turns to him, and smiles,"Kyle Green, the next fifth heir of the family, do you humbly accept the honor of your family's name and protect it as it is yours?" Asked the man, "I humbly accept, with honor and glory," Kyle says, "do you accept your status as the next heir of the Green family with integrity and intellect?" Asked the man, "I accept with integrity and intellect," Kyle says.

"Kyle Green of Rosemary Green and of Gabriel Green, the fifth son of the Green heritage and of the traditions before you and after you, you are now at age of becoming the man that your parents and family as well as friends that you are meant to be, welcome to the Green family, Kyle Green," says the man, "welcome, Kyle Green!" Everyone says in union.

And then everyone claps and cheers for Kyle, his four brothers and sister stand beside him, by order of birth,and their parents on the left side end of the line. On stage. They bowed and began clapping along with the crowd. And then Kyle's dad takes the mic, "Okay, everyone, the food and drinks are on the tables too. You're right, and the dancing is on your left," says the man.

After that, everyone is doing their own thing, Kyle left with his girlfriend, and I stayed sitting at a table with a glass of wine in my hand, watching people dance together and enjoying the music.

~~ End Of Pov ~~

Bella's Pov ~~

Hey dad, can we talk for a minute?" I asked as I entered the kitchen. He was cleaning his gun and drinking a beer, but then I gave him another one,"Yeah, sure, what is it?" I was nervous at first but finally got the courage to tell him, "I'm dating Edward Cullen," I said. He immediately looked up at me.

"He looks a little older than you, isn't he?" Dad said,"No, he's a junior. I'm a junior," I said, "I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town?" Dad asked, "Edward doesn't live in town technically. He's right outside. He wanted to formally introduce himself to you," I said to him.

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