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"Tell me, darling, what is it about that person that you love?" Hollis asked, sitting across from you.

You blinked in confusion, smiling helplessly at the misunderstanding this man has towards the feelings you hold for Yohan. Although his deduction is not entirely wrong, the affection you have for that person is far from romantic.

As a spirit, Yohan is your human; he is the sole reason for your existence. Naturally, the two of you shared a special bond that neither humans nor Amorii can understand. Yohan is not your brother, not your friend, and certainly not your lover either. In your opinion, he's the closest to what humans call a "soulmate," but even that term can't truly describe the relationship the two of you have.

But it's fine, isn't it? If playing along will hide your true identity, then you don't mind agreeing to his assumption.

"Probably it's the fact that the two of us have always been together?" You tried to think of an excuse. "I mean, it's hard not to like him; he's hardworking, wealthy, good-looking, kind, and most importantly, he's pure and righteous."

Hollis raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Are you sure you didn't look at him through rose-tinted glasses? No humans are perfect like that."

You chuckled. "I didn't say that he was perfect. Yohan is... because he's too kind, he never really tells anyone his thoughts since he doesn't want to trouble them, but truth be told, that kind of mindset is annoying, though I guess that makes us two peas in a pod? Because there are a few things I wasn't honest with him about, or anyone else for that matter."

You stealthily took a glance at the Amorii, silently wondering if he noticed that you were hiding something from him too—a lot of things, actually.

Yet, though the man seemed to be thinking of something, it didn't seem like he noticed.

"Have you ever been in a romantic relationship before?" His question is sudden, but not something that you can't answer.

"I have, but those relationships just feel empty. I have tried mingling with others, socializing, and making a few relationships here and there, however, the thought of replacing Yohan with someone else makes me feel sick. That's why I resorted to renting an escort. I guess it's because my mind subconsciously knew that thisーwhatever we haveーwas only temporary, so in a way, it's not like I'm replacing my most precious person with someone else." You tried to observe his reaction, yet his face remained passive. "I'm sorry, did I disgust you?"

You have been told that while same-sex couples seem to be getting more recognition lately, incestuous couples are still considered to be stigmatising. Although you don't understand the hypocrisy regarding this imbalanced acceptance, as it does not involve you, you don't care enough to delve deeper into this topic. But now that you have to pretend to love your fake brother, you have to thread this carefully so as not to disgust your escort and make him run away.

Hollis then took your hands, and you had to blink twice to see if your eyes were lying to you when his face suddenly looked gentle.

"Why should you replace him?" Hollis inquired all of a sudden, surprising you. "Replacing that person sounds like you're searching for a substitute, which is disgusting and unfair for the person you replaced him with. Instead of finding a replacement, why don't you build a new connection? Yohan may have been a significant part of your life, but he's your brother, and it's time to consider your own happiness and emotional well-being."

Your eyes widened at his suggestion, and you felt something stirring inside your heart after listening to his logic.

"Rather than seeking a mere substituteーsomeone who will always be compared to Yohanーwhy not explore the possibility of creating something unique and special with someone new? Just because you shared a deep connection with Yohan doesn't mean that there isn't room in your heart for someone else. Building a new connection doesn't diminish the significance of what you had with him—it simply means that you are ready to embrace a different kind of love and create a new future for yourself," he continued. "If it's alright with you, I can be that person. No, I want to be that person. I think if it's you, I can find the love that I sought from you."

"You—" your cheeks heated up, feeling warm spreading in your chest. "—really have a way with your words, no wonder you're an escort."

With your hands in his, he leaned closer. "So? Do you agree?"

You bit your lower lips, feeling conflicted. If you agreed, you might discover a new emotion within yourself under the guidance of Hollis, but that would further intensify your guilt for using and stringing him along, yet refusing means that your relationship with Hollis would become awkward, and he is more likely not to take the rejection too well; you're afraid that he would snap and turn into another Kael.

"Oh, um, is it okay if it's only temporary?" You tried to negotiate.

All of a sudden, the temperature around you dropped further, and you could feel the cold seeping into your bones.

"I— I mean, a trial! Can't we do a trial first to see if we are truly compatible?" You panic.

"Is the time we spent together not enough for you to think so?" He gently caressed the knuckles of your hands. "Because, darling, I think we're very compatible, that's why I volunteer."

You glanced at your hands, which he holds, and a cold sweat started to form. "I— I thought you didn't like physical contact?"

"I don't," he replied. "But if we're going to become lovers, having one is a must, no? Or are you the conservative type that believes copulation can only happen after marriage?"

Your cheeks heated up, not knowing how to respond.

"Besides, I've found that I really enjoy physical touch with you as well—things like hand-holding, becoming the big spoon or the little spoon, those small gestures of affection—I was thinking of incorporating it into our quality time," he explained. "Moreover, if I'm going to make you produce that oxytocin, this is the easiest way. You're embarrassed, but you don't hate me touching you, right, darling?"

The way his face started to inch closer almost made you fall from the chair you're in.

"So? What's your choice, darling?"

—not that you have a choice in the first place.

You closed your eyes, surrendering to the pressure he put on you. "Yes, please make me fall in love with you."

He chuckled.

sorry for the late chapters. recently, i've volunteered myself to be a volunteer for an ironman race. It was tiring but very fulfilling. i was tasked with giving water to the cyclists, and a man stopped beside me and asked, "am i the last one?" to which i answered, "no, sir, there's more behind you." and he replied, "ahh, I'm so lonely on the road." i almost told him to find a wife and enter it with her next year, lol, considering there were a few couples riding together here

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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