old days

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Old days when we were younger

What colour do you see your childhood in?
Mine's a vintage yellow filter.


Good were the old days,
when hearts were naive.
No grudges held.

Easier it was,
to live in the present.

Out of sight, out of mind
was the norm.

A sweet little candy,
would heal that child heart,
from meaningless hurt caused.

No worries of the future,
no regrets of the past.
At unplanned midnights,
that would haunt.
No mistakes seemed too bad
to have left scars.

Just you and your games,
that would never seem to end
all day long.

No impression seemed,
too odd to give or have.

Easy, simple.
That was the world.

We were wiser then, perhaps!
I wonder why?
There was work and play back then.
There's work and play now but,
life seemed easier to get by, back then.
More like there was no thought .

Just us, some task, play,
thoughtless getting by
and the concept of life we never gave a damn about.

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