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"You not doin' it right!" Kyria yelled, i smacked my teeth. We've been on our knees for almost half an hour because of this bad ass kids.

"The fu-""bey," onika cut me off and  i rolled my eyes and huff, i saw her  wrapping the bedsheet tightly around her.

Mara is sick so were doing anything they wanted 'cause i don't want to hear any fucking tantrums.

"Lets start again" mara placed the pillows back together as she stand behind it. She put her book down on it while kyria stand between onika and i, she moved a little with a pillow on her hand and two candy ring.

"Now hold her hand!" I suck my teeth and grab onika's hand. She was just smilling as she held the fake bouquet of white roses in her other hand,

"Mmcht man you dont have to yell" i mugged them and mara rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Stopp talking!" I was about to say something when i felt onika squeezing my hand, i look at her. "Just listen to them bey" she whispered.

"Okay lets start again!" Kyria stood holding the pillow as she smiled on us showing her little teeth.

"Nini grab the ring!" Onika followed them, holding the red ring on her other hand.

"Put it on her!" She nodded as she slid the ring on my hand, i rolled my eyes and turned my head to mara.

"Yey! Now bey bey go grab the ring!" I suck my teeth but did as i told. She told me to put it on onika's finger so i slid the pink candy ring on her,


" I love your dress." I whispered against her neck as i held her tighter, she hummed. Turning her head to me, she held my cheek with her other hand, her manicure fingers tracing my face.

"Look at the sea bey!" She whispered excitedly. Its already night but we can still see because of the light that came from the moon. I turned my attention and look at the waves she was pointing.

It was a perfect mixtures of blue.

"Its so pretty" i nodded and kissed the side of her face, "i want my wedding ring to look just like that." She said, i turned her body around and held her waist tightly.

"You wanna get married?" I said smilling, she blushed turning her head away. I can see her dimples sinking even though she's trying to hide it.

I placed my fingers on her chin and pull her face softly. "Tell me what kid of wedding you wanted to have baby" i whispered and pecked her lips.

"I want everyone to be there, every thing is gray and white. I want my flowers to be white roses, its cute. I want our rings to look like a beautiful ocean in the night and i want you singing for me" i smiled and kissed her forehead then her nose and her lips.

"We can do that, we can do whatever you want," i whispered against her lips, she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck , we stared at eachother smiling like a damn fool as our body moved slowly from side to side.

I closed my eyes and leaned closer until my forehead touched hers. We listened to the waters hitting eachother, we listened to the birds and crickets making a wonderful sounds.

I held her tightly, afraid to let her go.


"NOW KISS!" they both yelled, i blink and saw onika looking at me,

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