Secrets pt3

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Description- Billy doubts his ability to be a father

It's been a year since Billy moved in and I've been pregnant for about six months and my life just doesn't feel real

Me and Billy didn't want to try and expand our family for a while because we wanted to get used to the routine of being a family of three before we added another child into the mix but then it just happened

When I walked through the front door I saw billy sitting on the couch and he immediately looked up to see me

"Hello, my beautiful pregnant queen." I rolled my eyes while smiling at him then I gave him a quick kiss

"When are you going to stop working? It can't be easy." I put up my purse and shook my head at him because he's right it's not easy it's the hardest thing ever

"It's not easy, but It's just so rewarding with all of those babies, and being able to be there for the new parents it's like cocaine, it's addictive." Billy laughed and gave me a quick kiss before I went upstairs to change out of my scrubs and into some more comfortable clothes

"Where's Kinsley at?" Me and Billy sat down on the couch and he pulled me into his lap

"She's upstairs taking a nap, apparently after a long school day of addition she needed to crash." I laughed and placed my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer to me for a kiss

"I wish I was like you and able to work from home." Billy smiled at me and just sat there staring at me for a while. I meant what I said though, I may love my job but I do wish I could work from home like Billy does. When he first moved in he decided he wanted to start working from home for Kinsley so we wouldn't have to hire a babysitter or anything, he even put a little reading area with a bean bag for her in his office

"Mommy?" I turned around and saw Kinsley walking down the stairs in her pajamas while holding her little teddy bear and blanket she's had since she was a little baby

"Yes sweetheart?" I watched her slowly waddle over to the couch before she pulled herself up into my lap

"I missed you." I smiled down at her and she didn't even wait for me to say something back she just cuddled into me and went to sleep

"Hey, Billy." Billy turned his head and looked at me with a smile while he hummed curiously

"I was thinking and you know we don't have that much freedom left, I mean we barely have any with Kinsley already but with this new baby we won't have any alone time so I was thinking that we should have a date night once a month or every few weeks until the baby is born." Billy nodded his head with a sweet little smile on his face then he leaned down to give me a kiss

"I'd like that, a lot." I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes while I rubbed my baby bump

"Yeah, you need to get out as much as you can before this baby is born, you have to adjust to being a parent to a whole new type of species, the baby." Billy looked down at me confused like he didn't know what I was talking about

"What do you mean, I think I've got this, I mean I'm good with Kinsley, aren't I?" I nodded and smiled at him to try and calm him down cause he seems anxious now

"Yeah, but that's different, Kinsleys a kid and a good one at that, you're lucky Billy, you've only seen the easy side of parenting, they're easy at this age but babies are just they're a challenge, and that challenge comes with no sleep, constant feedings, baby puke, diaper changes, and don't even get me started on a teething baby. And that's just part of it, we won't be able to have sex for a while, and just wait until it gets to the point where you forget to shower for days, I mean when I had Kinsley I think there was like a week that I didn't shower cause I just didn't have time." Billy looked at me with a look that I've never seen from him before and I really hope it's not regret

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