Chapter 10

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"Where am I...?"

I could only remember comfortably falling asleep on my bed. And now, I was suddenly standing in this strange place.

The grass beneath me gently cushioned my feet, while a thick fog encompassed my surroundings, leaving me no clue of my whereabouts. The air was dead silent, leaving a tangible emptiness.

In front of me stood a figure about my height, obscured by a veil of shadow. I couldn't quite make out his features.

Who is he?

"Hmm, I wonder who I am. To be honest, I'm not so sure myself." The figure answered my thoughts, causing my confusion to grow. "That's right; I know all about you—your thoughts, your past, your everything. But you don't know me."

I was wary of this figure. He had more information at its disposal than I did. Even so, his voice seemed oddly familiar.

I chose to stay silent, prompting him to keep talking.

"I think this is the first time we've ever been able to talk to each other. Just think of me as your closest companion. A childhood friend that you've never met, even."

"Freedom is a blessing, isn't it? It allows us to experience a new, refreshing perspective." Although I couldn't see his face, I was able to tell that he was staring straight into my eyes. "You're free from that place. Even so, it continues to bind you."

The figure began to wander, his shadow trailing behind him as he circled around me.

"You, who lacks autonomy. You, who has so little regard for others. You, who has been instilled with the notion that logic prevails. More of a robot than a human being, no?" he added.

In response, I gave a nod. I had absolutely no comments or objections to his perspective of me. How much did he actually know?

"You chose to hide me," he continued. "You have detached yourself from me a long time ago. Which is why I haven't been able to get in touch with you... until now."

My wariness had been mixed with curiosity. What were his motives? Why had he chosen to reveal himself now, of all times?

"You're changing." The figure read my thoughts once again, and promptly answered. "I'm sure you've noticed it as well."

I couldn't help but agree.

"How much do you know?" he asked.

"How much do I know?"

"About yourself."

That was a strange question. Of course, someone would usually say that they know themselves better than anyone. However, humans are multi-faceted by nature, and there's always a hidden side.

"Quite a bit, I guess."

"I see." The figure nodded. "So, do you know why you're undergoing a change?"


"Okay. How about what exactly those changes are?"

"...I don't know."

The both of us stood in silence for several seconds, before the figure spoke up again.

"In any case, you're close to uncovering an unfamiliar side of yourself, and you know it. However, the most important question is—are you willing to explore your feelings?"

"...Curiosity killed the cat."

"It did. But, you're not a cat. You're Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."


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