Chapter One - "Something's Wrong Here..."

Start from the beginning


It took Neji only a moment to compose himself before he scoffed and said, "You know I don't believe in ghosts, Tenten."

Tenten giggled and said, "Yeah, that's true. I don't know why you're back though. Are you ready to go home?"

He blinked at her before nodding and saying, "Uh, yeah. Are you alright?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. I think I passed out in the woods though, and my head hurts. Listen, about earlier? I'm sorry about saying what I did; I already knew how you are. Forget I ever said anything."

Neji looked at her in astonishment.

She caught the look and said, "It's no big deal, Neji. Ah, whatever. Come on!" Tenten started walking off, a slightly confused and weary Neji following her.

The whole time they walked towards the village, Neji kept studying her, both her attitude and her surprisingly attractive ass as it swayed.

Tenten paid little attention to him, as she was still trying to figure out why she passed out, or why there was a familiar version of her, passed out on the ground.

Finally, she said, "Hey Neji?" "Hmm?" He asked, not at all paying attention to her, as he had lingered to watch her walk. She sighed and turned around to face him, catching her off guard.

She pointed her finger at him and said, "You've been distracted, and I know it. At practice you were, you did it when practice was finished, and you're going it now. Is there something you need to tell me?"

Neji stuttered before shaking his head and saying, "No, Tenten. Let's just go home."

She sighed and turned, continuing to walk. Neji stayed close by, astonished that Tenten was acting in a strange way, not to mention that she looked completely different than before.

But whatever happened, he had Kami to thank for.


Tenten huffed and crossed her arms, looking elsewhere.

Neji blinked a few times.

It wasn't too long ago that she was fine and smiling.

Now it seemed like someone had taken her, beaten her up, and torn her clothes only to sow them up. Just the thought of anyone harming Tenten angered Neji. When he tried to reach out to her, she flinched before backing up.

"Don't act like you care, you bastard," she spat.

Neji not only felt insulted, but hurt as well. "Tenten," he said, "I don't know what's happened to you, but your wounds need tending to. Come on; let's go home, okay?"

Tenten hesitated.

Neji would usually leave her behind after she returned to the training grounds. But now he looked... Concerned. Worried, for her well being. It actually frightened her, because of who he was.

She gave him a look of disgust, but he didn't look any different than he had before.

She sighed and said, "Fine, let's go. But keep your hands to yourself, Pervert." She stormed ahead of him, and Neji felt that maybe she was acting out because of the answer he gave her about hanging out.

He really didn't mean any harm, he just had things to think about and work on. Calling him a pervert was a new one, however.

Neji wondered where in the world she got that word from.


When the duo made it to Tenten's apartment, she turned to him and said, "Thanks for walking me here. But you didn't have to go all the way; I know you're a busy man."

He nodded slightly, watching her curiously.

Tenten smiled at Neji and said, "Tell Lee I said hi. I know he's not feeling well." Neji nodded, knowing very well that Lee wasn't feeling well. Just not in the way Tenten thought.

"Of course, Tenten," Neji replied, smirking at her.

Tenten couldn't help but to smile at his smirk. She always loved it when he smiled that way. Waving once more, she walked up the stairs and unlocked her door, finding the place to be an utter mess.

There were dishes in the sink, scrolls and weapons where they shouldn't be; even a lamp was tipped over.

It looked as if someone ransacked her house and left with nothing.

Shaking her head, she got started on cleaning up the whole place as quickly as she could. Tenten was already tired, and cleaning up was on the last thing on her mind. But she couldn't stand to see the house as messy as it was.

By the time she finished, it was dark outside.

Exhausted, Tenten stripped down and got under the covers, not even bothering to wash herself. She sighed softly and closed her eyes.

'These covers need washing too,' she thought, yawning softly, 'I guess I know what I'm doing in the morning...'

She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Neji walked a wary Tenten home and watched as she fumbled to pull out her keys.

She cursed as the key nicked her finger, and Neji stepped up to her and asked, "Would you like me to assist?"

"No," she snapped, trying to unlock her door, "I can handle this."

However, after being confused and still feeling dazed, she gave up and dropped the keys into Neji's awaiting hands. He smiled with uncertainty and unlocked the door.

When Tenten stepped in, her jaw almost dropped.

The place was all but clean.

No weapons scattered on the floor, no dishes in the sink; even her floor was swept. Neji came in behind her and shut the door, scaring Tenten.

She backed up and said, "You've walked me home; I don't need your help with anything else."
"Yes, you do," he replied, sitting on her couch and waving her over.

It took her a minute, but she eventually walked to him and sat beside him. He smiled before frowning as he laid eyes upon her chin.

It was slightly split.

He looked at her and asked, "Who did this to you?"
She glared at him and said, "You're funny, you know that? Don't play the good guy, Neji."

Neji sighed and said, "Tenten, if you're trying to accuse me of doing something like this, then maybe you should rest after I heal you. You might be seeing things."

"After you..." her words faded as she looked into his eyes.

He was dead serious.

She sighed and said, "Just get it over with." He nodded and slowly removed all of her bandages, noting how Tenten was reacting. She was confused, he knew so, but he didn't know why.

Nothing was making sense to Neji, but he swore to himself that he'd find out just what was going on with her.


Soooooo? Is it cool, is it not? Ah, I don't care. I'm really enjoying myself with this. Let me know what you think, but regardless, I'm posting all that I wrote.

Until Next Time

~ Nimo

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