The Retreat and Fimilar Tunes Part. 3

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They had all just finished, their weird vocal/deadly team-trust exercises and Beca was sick of it. She had more important things to do and she has other complicated problems to deal with as well. She looked towards Aubrey finally wanting to confront her "okay sorry, what are we doing?" She said panting, being out of breath from all the exercise. Chloe saw that Beca was becoming agitated this entire trip, but tried to stick to what she, Amy and Jesse had reharsed "we're rediscovering our sound".

Beca turned to Chloe looking beyond agitated "Are we? Cause it feels like we're just singing songs that would never go in our set". All the group didn't say anything but they all agreed with Beca, this was just ridiculous.

Aubrey didn't know what to say, in the year she knew Beca properly, Beca never seemed like the person to stress over something like this. Chloe was starting to get a little aggravated by Beca's mood "Beca come on". Beca was starting to slowly lose it "No. None of us know how to beat Das Sound Machine, but I know its not gonna be, by doing this".

Aubrey was trying to be calm with Beca, trying to be sympathetic with the stress the girl's feeling, but also being angry at her for yelling at her girlfriend. She decided to use the 'Calm Aubrey' instead of 'Sargent Aubrey of the best freakin Acapella team'. "This is just an exercise at finding harmony Beca, sometimes you have to break things down, before you can build them back up again." She tried to say with her sweetest voice.

That's when Beca's last string of restraint snapped "I've got more important things to do". That's also when Chloe went off the script, she has been getting sick and tired of Beca's secretive nature this year "what could be more important than this!?". Beca realized she had just revealed that she had been doing something other than focusing on the Bella's "nothing, forget it".

Chloe was also starting to crack as well "no, you don't think we haven't realized that you've been a little checked out lately". Fat Amy knew they were totally off script now, but even so she thought it was time Beca let everyone know she's becoming over stressed. "Come on Beca, just tell her" Beca looked at Amy, with an almost glare, she didn't notice Emily's gaze on her.

Emily looked at Beca concerned "why would she hide something from us, what could she be hiding". Chloe started to calm down and follow the script "I heard that, tell me what?" Fat Amy looked sheepishly at Beca and Chloe "you must of misheard me, I clearly said 'rom pom, Beca vwoosh melon".

Chloe gave her nod, saying that was great improv seemings Amy was meant to say that a lot quieter. Amy continued with her speech "look I don't want you two to fight, you're Beca and Chloe, together you're 'Bloe' and everyone loves a good 'Bloe'".

Everyone cringed at what Amy just said, but they kept their attention to what was unfolding between Beca and Chloe. Beca sighed in aggravation "okay, I've been interning at a recording studio and a legit music producer wants to hear my work.." she put her hands up in mock surrender "..god forbid I have something going on, outside this group".

Chloe was truly losing her cool with this, she thought she could handle her inner frustration enough to do this for Beca and Emily, but that was slowly slipping away. "Okay, why would you keep something like that from us?" Beca snapped, not thinking about how Chloe or anyone would be feeling right after she said this "cause you're obsessed, you all are, we're graduating and the only person thinking about life after the Bella's is me".

That's what did it, Chloe's last string of restraint ripped "what is so wrong about being focused on the Bella's, this has been my family for 7 years"! Beca was no longer holding back any pent up frustration either "yeah, cause you're to scared to leave, sack up dude"!

Cynthia-Rose saw what this was probably going to turn into, so she found it appropriate to yell "Girl Fight". Which earned her a glare from the other Bella's, but they turned their attention back to Beca and Chloe "okay. So you've been lying to us for the entire year and now you're just gonna flake out, now you're gonna flake out when the worlds are like right after graduation!?".

Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now