Chapter 2

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Second day of school, I wake get ready brush my teeth & everything. I put on my black T-shirt & my white sweat pants & put my hair in a ball... I can't wait to goto school because I know I can see the cute boy so now we sit by each other in 6th & 7th period & he makes me laugh. In my 2nd period class my teacher doesn't like me talking to him because he distracts me. We goto our next period class which is 3rd period I was shy when the teacher told me to introduce myself So I sit back & look at the cute boy as always ... 4th period was really nothing but fun & 5th period. But I was so obsessed with the cute boy it was like omfg bruuh until he had a girl then that's what turned me off. I didn't move on i just waited for him to talk to me or it was nothing at all . so when we got in 6th period I was under the weather, he was about togo through my bag . I didn't want him to my personals , but I was in embarrassed , he said "I got sisters to & you scratched me ". At least he forgave me lol but 7th period pass by .... The bell rings , time to go home ...& I think about him alnight going to sleep.

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