001| Daddy's Angel

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"I was raised in East Chicago, Indiana by my grandmother Crystal along with her three other children, Luther, Lawrence and Lula" Rosetta said as the camera lights fixed upon her.

"We stayed in a small home, just a few blocks down from the pre-school I was attending. There was about three bedrooms, one belonged to my grandmother, my uncles shared a room and my auntie, Lula and I shared a room as well"

"What was it like, living with them?"

"Mmm, it was like any other ordinary home, we stayed to ourselves most of the time, we didn't really get out much-"

"You weren't allowed too?"

"No were allowed too, it's just we never did much, well my aunts and uncle more so, were allowed to. I was nothing more than a baby so of course I never went anywhere besides with her" Rosetta replied, allowing herself to be reminded of her toddler days.

"Okay, so how come? Y'know, how come you were raised by your grandmother instead of your mother and father, your parents?"

"Well, at the time of my birth, my parents were only nothing but 14 at the time, they were children themselves and my grandparents, they believed that my parents weren't ready to be parents just yet, at the age of only fourteen" She explained.

"But they also didn't believe in abortions or putting your child up for adoption so with that being said, they came up with the idea that my grandmother would raise me until Joseph was old enough"

"Did you have any kind of relationship with your father, up until the time he moved to Indiana?"

"Not really, I mean being a teenage boy and still in school for him was already a huge responsibility so he really didn't have much time to visit other than the phone calls and gifts he would send " Rosetta recalled while removing the loose strand of hair from he eyes.

"And this was up until you were-"

"Four....four is when I met him in person for the first time"

four is when I met him in person for the first time"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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