Chapter 6

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Peeta notices them arriving first "There it is."(The Capitol is seen outside the train window)

"It's huge! It's incredible." Peeta voices his opinion smiling as he waves the crowd that had formed around the train he try's to get Katniss to join him "Come on. Come on!"

Haymitch decides to make his opinion on the situation know "You better keep this knife. He knows what he's doing."

Delphi approaches her sister and mutters "he is right you know you need to play the people if you want to make it out. You need sponsors"

"She sounds like a slimy snake" Jasmine spits "she's a disgrace to the potter name" Harry who was apparently the only one to hear her comment immediately fires back "well that's rich coming from you miss I've never had to do anything in my life its all been handed to me on a platter if anything i think that makes you a disgrace to the potter family which has been filled with survivors, fighter and inventors who have had to work for wat they did" The hall was silent before a muttering of agreement filled the room. James and Lily looked at each other both realizing that they had messed up with the way they had raised Jasmine but that was going to change from now on.

(it cuts back to Seneca Crane's interview with Caesar Flickerman)

So now that you've seen them, what do you think of this year's crop of recruits? Are there any surprises we can expect?

Seneca answers the question "It's really hard to tell just from a Reaping, but I think this is a very interesting mix."  "yes". Caesar says before Seneca continues  "Whenever you have a volunteer from an outlying district, that's something you can't ignore."

(it cuts to Katniss being cleaned and receiving a makeover in the Remake Centre)

Katniss sees her prep team holding something she's unfamiliar with "What's that? What's that?"

One person who is named Flavius responds "We're just saying we might need to hose you down again before we take you to Cinna."

(cut to Katniss in a different room. Cinna enters the room)

Cinna starts talking "That was one of the bravest things I've ever seen. With your sister. My name is Cinna."

" Katniss." Katniss keeps her response short not really interested in talking to Cinna.

" I'm sorry that this happened to you, and I'm here to help you in any way that I can."

Katniss more perplexed than anything replies "Most people just congratulate me."

" Well, I don't see the point in that. Tonight, they have the Tribute Parade. We're gonna take you out and show you off to the world."

" So you're here to make me look pretty?"

Cinna smiles secretly  "I'm here to help you make an impression. Now, usually they dress people in the clothes from their district."

" Yeah, we're always coal miners."

Well that's a boring theme is the main thought of the great hall

" But I don't want to do that. I wanna do something that they're gonna remember. Did they explain about trying to get sponsors?"

Katniss who is over everyone talking about sponsors just gets to the point  "Yeah, but I'm not very good at making friends."

" We'll see. I just think somebody that brave shouldn't be dressed in some stupid costume now, should they?" Cinna asks clearly having a plan to make a lasting impression.

" I hope not." Katniss replies seemingly a little more hopeful than before.

(cut to the tributes getting the final touches from their stylists for the parade)

Cinna is talking to Katniss and Peeta about their costumes. " It's safe, I promise. It's not real fire. These suits are built so you won't feel a thing."

" Looks pretty real to me" is Peeta's smart reply

": Well, that's the idea. You ready? Don't be afraid,"

" I'm not afraid." is the only reaction from Katniss about the fire

(cut to the stadium where the parade will be held)

Caesar Flickerman: Over 100,000 people craning to get a glimpse of this year's Tributes. And the sponsors get to see the Tributes for the first time. The importance of this moment cannot be overstated.


Hi so i know its been a while but I've finally got this small update for you all ill try update more often from now on but updates will still be inconsistent .

As normal thanks for reading and all the support this book has been getting even when im not updating.


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