花 ━ 11

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After talking to sakura he offer you to accompany you to your home but it end up that you were the dropping him to his home cause while talking he accidentally lead you towards his small house

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After talking to sakura he offer you to accompany you to your home but it end up that you were the dropping him to his home cause while talking he accidentally lead you towards his small house.

Sakura : ...

You chuckles and says " Well then see you some other time then Sakura-san "

Sakura was probably still feeling embarrassed but didn't said anything and after mumbling a small 'yea' he climb stairs and unlocked his house door and entered while you stood there watching him.

After he went inside you went to your home too.


The Next day

It was 2 pm . You were in your room doing the homework and it was done . You got up and stretch your arms and walks downstairs to see if there is something in the fridge.. but it was empty.

Y/n : ...

You heard a grumble from your stomach.. you had some money... So .. you could buy something.. but

You are feeling so tired! It's like finally the tiredness is getting to you.. you just wanna lay on the bed and sleep but your empty is killing you .

Like why you have to get hungry now ?

With a groan you went to take your jacket and put some money in back pocket and make your way to convenient store ..

When you got there you but few things and step outside and that's when you saw a cat limping you noticed that her paw was bleeding..

" Did she step on something sharp.. ? " You thought and then you noticed a small glass piece stuck in her paw

" It will get deeper.. if not taken out ... She might die of bleeding.. " you thought as you look around.. but people were busy and since the cat was in alley no one noticed it..

" Guess I have to do it.. I have a scarf..I am no expert but.. " you step forward going towards alley but the scared cat noticed you and started to run and quickly ran past you into the crowd going anywhere

hey- wait ! *You said as if a cat could understand you*

You started to ran after cat while trying not to bump into people.. people looked at you as you ran past them but your eyes were fixed on the cat ..

 「 𝗙 𝗟 𝗢 𝗪 𝗘 𝗥 」  花   𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt